*Chapter 2*

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The handwriting near perfect and the way it was written was a bit odd to me. I read through it more than once before I shared what it said with Kat and the guy she brought.


That's what I'm going to call you for now anyway. It is odd that I ran into you here in the police department. Oh, who am I kidding I got all the information from your friend Kat. She told me you would be there and the times you would be there. Seems your friend has loose lips; I mean how did she know I wasn't some creep? Lucky for you I am not a creep, but I am interested in seeing more of you. I won't give you any details about myself until we meet again. Your friend gave me your number so I know you can call me. Let's see where this goes. I hope the feelings are mutual give me a call. For now

D. (that is all you're getting).

I was a bit confused as to why my best friend would give my information away like that. It actually made me a little mad that she so willingly gave my information to a complete stranger. It would be one thing if it was a coincidence that he found me but she straight out gave him my information. What if he is claiming to not be a creep but he is? I don't know if I should call him or not and what for name is D? I guess that's what his friends call him but it's weird to not give any information other than an initial. Trying to think about all of this at the same time made me think of getting responses from my blog followers.

I pulled up my blog and there were comments on the most recent post which was about the mystery man. Some of the comments were things like "go get him girl." "You only live once." And my favorite was "Don't let him get away, he could be the one you spend forever with, or crying over." I had to laugh because I wondered if they were right, I mean I don't know who they are and they know about as much about him as I do. He was a good-looking dude but the mystery is what was keeping me interested. I started my new post like this:

As you've all been following I've got a bit of a mystery man following me. Today before myself or my boss got to work he managed to come and leave a note. It's interesting that no one saw him come in or leave. The note was rather interesting since it wasn't all that descriptive. One of my close friends gave him my information and I'm not sure how to feel about it. No one seems to be concerned with the very little we know about him. I do know that his name starts with D since that's all he's going to tell me until I decide to meet with him. It's got me uneasy since I have no idea who he is or where he found me. Should I call him?

Signed Lost in translation.

Kat scanned the note before class started and all she could talk about was how nice his handwriting was. She skipped over the fact that she gave him my information and where to find me. It was concerning and I made her aware that she overstepped her friend space. She claimed it would be good for me to get into a relationship with this guy. She started guessing what his name was since he only gave the first letter. Finals were coming up and the last thing I wanted to do was focus on a guy. He did have me interested even though I knew little about him. He had me started and he probably knew how to keep me interested. Later I would find out things I never knew about myself.

It's been two weeks since D left his note in my books and I am heading to this secluded place. I am getting more and more concerned as I drove off into the distance. When I arrived at the place I was surprised to find it was not only well lit but really busy. I wasn't sure if he was here or not but it was getting chilly so I stepped inside and it was as if the lady knew who I was.

"B?" She said questioningly

"That's me." I said

"D is waiting for you. I'll show you to him." She said leading me through the crowds of tables to this little table in the back of the room.

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