*Chapter 5*

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Dom and I haven't been out in a few weeks since finals are coming up and with him around I haven't been able to focus on anything. We spoke a few nights a week but that was it, he understood how important my grades were to me and with him distracting me it would be hard to keep things up. Something about him seemed off the last time we talked and I'm not sure what it was but I would figure it out. I had a good eye for things of that sort but without seeing him I wouldn't know. Work was passing by slowly and I was lost in thought once again this time about updating my bloggers. I had my laptop on the desk and I decided to make a note.

It's been hard to focus and I can't figure out what spell he has on me. He's been noticed by not only my friends but my professors as well. He isn't a student and yet he always finds his way to campus since that is where I am all the time. We went for a movie the last time we went out and he put his arm around me pulling me closer to him. I'm not complaining but that is as close as we have gotten, it seems like I am asking for more without asking. The last thing I need is someone messing with me emotionally since I can barely think straight the next day. Work has been slow leaving me plenty of time to study and think about Dom but now the alarms are going off.

I slammed my laptop closed and waited for the information to come across the scanner. The words that came across were short fast and desperate but they told us there was a disturbance. It told us where and what units were going to respond. It was the highlight of my night and sometimes the calls weren't as easy as a disturbance. Most of them were drug related or car accidents. Car accidents were the worst in my opinion since families would end up torn into pieces over a family member. It was hard to say what made each of us tick but for me it was the slight adrenaline rush of hearing the alarms followed by the anticipation of the event. There were feet stomping noises heading out our back door followed by slamming doors and sirens. They were off in a flash and didn't look back, making it hard for me to focus on anything since I hoped for a safe return.

It's been a rough week and I hope I could pass my exams. I had one year to go and I hoped that I didn't screw it up. We went on summer break without knowing what was going to happen but there was some good news in sight. My job offered me a promotion to a different office where I take all the files at the end of the day and put them on people desks. I also could look through them and decide if it was going to be something for the detective or not. There were a lot of old cases that went unsolved and there was one that was nagging at me for some reason. When I got home I researched the case to see what they had found and if they missed something along the way. Nothing new seemed to come up and it had been years since the case was opened but I hoped to shed some new light on it. I left work hoping to go home and head to bed but when I left work Dom had other ideas. I was a little surprised to see him here.

It's rare to find him outside the precinct but I knew he had something on his mind. He's standing against the building but he's looking at me. I'm unsure what he's got on his mind but I go with it.

"I hope you don't have plans tonight. I want to take you to a drive-in movie. We're going to park way up on the hill top where there should be other cars and watch the movie."

"That sounds fun." I said sounding less then convinced.

We drove to the mountain top where the movie could be seen clear as day and there were cars everywhere. It was hard to find a parking space but he found one in the middle of a few cars. There were people sitting on top of their cars or just inside but the movie began. We sat on the roof of his car staring at the big screen watching the characters on the screen move. There wasn't much going on in the movie but it was getting chilly. He leaned over and put his coat around the both of us pulling me closer to him.

His head rested on mine and as the movie played on I could feel him kissing my head. He moved his way down until our lips met in a slow yet needy kiss. He got off the car and pulled me with him. We got into the back seat of the car and sat there. I knew where he was heading with this and in time I knew we would get there I just wasn't sure that I was ready for this right now. Others could see us but I'm sure they were just as busy as we were about to be. Once more his lips meet mine but this time they're dominating. He's pushing hard on me but I'm pushing back with equal force. His tongue isn't about to stop when it forces its way into my mouth. They mingle together as his hands start to wonder.

They're wonder around for a moment before he pulls me ono his lap. I'm facing him but he's not looking at me, he's moving on and his lips are on my neck. He's working me into a frenzy when I feel his hands pull up my legs and to my center. He's lucky I have a skirt on from work or this would be a lot harder. I grind against him but he's already hard and I can feel the pressure of him against me. His fingers circle my core hard and fast earning small moans from me. He pulls away from me pushing me off his lap. He's fighting with his belt but he manages and his look tells me not to touch him. He pulls his pants to his ankles and he looks at me. I'm staring at him but he pulls me over him with my back against his chest.

"If you don't stop me, I'm not going to stop." He says grabbing my legs.

"Then don't stop." I say to him. Before I can react, he's slammed up hard into me. He stops for a second but that's all he gives before he's rocking hard up into me.

He's on the larger side and he's hitting my spot hard with each inward thrust. His hands are just below my knees as he holds tight I lean into him more. He's rocking harder than before but the sounds coming from both of us is driving him harder. I can't breathe or see straight when I hear his grunted noises he's just as close as I am. He lets one of my legs go so he can reach my core where he rubs hard until I tighten around him. He's right there with me as he too crashes.

As soon as the movie is over I'm still feeling the high he's put me on but it's nice. He returns me to my dorm but isn't about to walk me up to the door. He stays at his car while I wonder slowly into the building. Kat is up and I'm not sure if she's waiting for me or if she's waiting for a guy to stop by. Her eyes are concerned when I close the door and flop down onto the bed.

"Where have you been?"

"With Dom. We went to a drive-in movie." I said giving no more information away.

"What did you see?" She asked knowing I probably had no idea what it was called.

"I truly don't know. I don't remember much about it."

I could see her smile from my bed and I knew she knew. I didn't have to say anything about the events that took place. She got all the information out of me and still she talked about it like she was sitting there with us. I laugh at her knowing she's not interested in the guy that's now at our door. She grabs her coat and together they wonder away leaving me to shower then pass out.

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