*Chapter 3*

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Kat is gone for the weekend but I don't mind being alone. It's going to give me time to study and relax while I'm off this weekend. Kyler checks in on me about my date with the mystery man but isn't prodding for information. I wondered what Dom was all about, the mystery kept me interested but at the same time I still felt bad vibes from him. What did he mean when he said he would teach me things I'd only dreamed of? I'm not into doing illegal things but I still wondered. He did look good in that button-down shirt he had on. It allowed for a few on his tattoos to peak out the bottom of the sleeves. It left my imagination wondering as I tried to focus on my books.

He did seem like a nice guy but I was at a loss for what he truly wanted with me, a college sophomore. I didn't have much of anything to offer to him other than sex but at this point that was the last thing I needed. I never really thought about this getting serious until this moment, since the last thing I needed was a man and a baby to derail my plans. I wonder what my mother would say about this man and what her thoughts would be.

The phone rings twice and she answers to my surprise.

"Hey darling."

"Hey mom, I didn't think I'd get you."

"What's going on, how's college treating you?"

"College is good but I wanted to talk to you about something non-college.'

"Sure sweetheart, what is it?"

"I went on a date with this guy I met."

"Where did you meet him?"

"On campus, but he's not a student and he's not a teacher either."

"How did it go?" She asked

"Interesting, neither of us really gave any information about each other."

"He sounds like a creep. Who goes on a date and doesn't tell you about themselves?"

"Apparently, someone named Dom. He has an interesting mystery about him and I want more information about him." I said sounding lost

"His name is Dom or they call him that?" She asked confused

"They call him that and that's how he introduced himself to me." I said knowing what she was about to say.

"You need to be careful about this one. Just talking about him is giving me bad vibes."

"Me to but the more we talked the more relaxed I became. He knew what to say and exactly when to say it. I wonder if he read my blog since he's not a student he wouldn't have just been on a random campus looking for a place to rest for a minute." I said trying to piece things together.

"He is a smooth talker, and look at what happened to me." She said confusing me

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Your father was a smooth talker and I ended up with you." She said.

"I see. Good I've had my fair share of smooth talkers remember Lorenzo?" I said trying not to remember him

"Yeah Lorenzo. He got the both of you into a world of trouble."

"His parents freaked out that was the last I saw of him."

"I freaked to remember me telling the both of you that you were too young to be experiencing having a baby."

"I do, don't mention this to dad yet, I'm not sure what to make of it."

"I'll do my best."

I drifted off into my own thoughts about Lorenzo and how good our relationship was. We had everything we wanted and I was happy to share those memories with him. Then we screwed everything up by getting pregnant at 16. I remember having our beautiful baby boy and handing him over to his new parents. At 16 I said I wanted to be able to see him but when I came home I didn't want the painful reminder of what I had to do. My parents knew what was best for me and now I see that. I didn't understand that then but now that I've got a goal in mind I see how much of an issue this would be. It's silent on the phone until mom speaks again.

"B what you thinking about?" She asked pulling me away from my thoughts.

"Lorenzo, the baby we had what he's doing now, and how his rejections lead me to plenty of encounters with other men." I said

"I bet you can get ahold of his parents and talk to them about him if that is what you want."

"I would rather not, it's been years and I don't want to open a new hurt after I've buried everything so deep inside."

"Tell me more about Dom." She said changing the subject.

"He's tall, built and has at least two tattoos that I could see. Other than that, he told me he's been in the game for a long time and that he didn't want to scare me away." I said as my mom laughed at me

"How old is this guy that he's been in the game a long time?" She asked

"Said he's 27, but he makes it seem like he's much older. He's a good-looking dude and I really thought about what he said while we had dinner. He didn't want to scare me and we would move slowly. I wonder now what else he knew about me that I didn't tell him."

"Not sure, your blog isn't that descriptive." She said

"Yeah I've been blogging a lot more lately but only about Dom, since I have no life other than school and work."

"Maybe he will be a good change for you, but you won't know if you don't loosen up and allow him to show you a good time."

"Yes maybe." I say

It's as if life was spinning faster than I was living it. My phone had a few messages from Kat who by the way I was still upset with and Dom. Dom had a way with words and his typing skills were no different. He talked about our date and how he thought we should go out again when I get back to the dorms. I didn't know where he was at the time but he must have known I was talking about him. We set up another date but this time we were going to go somewhere that was busier and the people. It was as if he wanted to show me off. I couldn't wait to see him again even with as little as I knew about him. He had me in a trans and I was willing to do whatever he wanted.

I know that Kat is back in the dorm so I knock but it's like she knew I was coming. Sitting on both our beds are guys. I give her a look but she didn't see it, the one on my bed did though. We sit there in silence for a moment before she asks me what I did while she was gone.

"How was your weekend? Did you talk with that guy?" She asks and they look at me.

"It was good I studied most of the time. I did talk with him, in fact we went to dinner after you left."

"Please tell me he at least gave you his name."

"He did, it's Dom."

"That's all you're going to give me to go off?"

"We didn't really talk a lot. It was more of a I'm not going to sleep with you kind of thing."

"That sounds lame."

"I guess it was then. It still annoys me that you gave him my information."

"Do you need me to leave so the three of you can get together?"

She laughs but I knew that was where her mind was.

"No, they were just leaving." She says and one pouts at her as if I wasn't supposed to see it.

I crawled into bed and took a nap before we went for dinner as we did every Sunday when she returned to campus. Kat wakes me up as she always does by pulling all my covers off and shaking my bed. Eating out was something we tried to do little of but here of late I have been eating out a lot. Dinner was a quiet time normally but for some reason tonight my mind was in a different place. I was stuck on Lorenzo and the baby we had. I couldn't think about anything else.

I wasn't sure if it was appropriate to tell him about this or not. I wasn't sure just how serious this was or what was going to happen. The last thing I wanted was to freak him out, but he didn't seem like the type that would be easily freaked out. It was just a baby, right? I'll never forget the day I found out I was pregnant. He knew it before I did and when he told my father I thought he was going to die a painful death. I thought my parents were going to send to me an all-girls school and hope they could help me with a baby. None of those things happened but my parents got together with his parents and that's how that adoption came up. I'm happy he's living a good life with people who can care for him. I knew at 16 neither of us would be able to give him that life.

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