*Chapter 18*

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When they got back to the cabin Harvey was sitting in the living room by the fire alone.

"Where is Brinsley?" Zane chimed

"Upstairs in bed, she 'said she thinks something is wrong."

"You left her alone?" Weston said sounding mad more then anything

"What was I to do? And I figured it was not a big deal

"You realize she's only got two weeks left this could be the time and you are just chilling down here." Weston said getting defensive.

"Relax Weston; she is probably fine you just need to relax." Zane said as Weston was headed for the stairs

"What is up his ass?" Harvey asked

"Long story."

"Something happened when he went into town last night right?"

"You can say that again."

The bedroom door came flying open and in came Weston. He stared at me but his face read panic it was an uneasy feeling.

"I think we should go get checked out." He said grabbing my hands helping me up.

We packed the cars and we left the cabin to head home. I hoped I would make it home before our son made his arrival. We sat in the car holding hands but nothing more was said, it was almost as if we knew what it meant. He drove fast but not so fast we would get in trouble. The pains shifted to the front on top of my belly. I wanted the pains to go away but I knew this only meant one thing. We laughed a little bit about this weekend and how he really only wanted to be sure that I truly wanted him and wasn't just saying it. He also expressed his fear of Dom making an appearance, but I assured him there was no possibility. Zane and Harvey followed behind us with all of the furniture and other things Weston bought but I had a bad feeling and I wasn't sure where it was coming from.

"Not that you have to tell me but where did you go last night? I asked

"Out for some drinks." He said after much silence.

I wanted to know more but he seemed so tense already that it probably would have only made things worse, so I left it go. Suddenly out of nowhere came these crashing pains through the front of my belly. You could see the muscles tense up the release. We were at least an hour from the nearest hospital but I was sure he wasn't going to wait. All of the sudden the seat I was sitting in was wet.

"Weston, I'm pretty sure my water just broke." I said panicked

"All over my seat? Really?" He said pulling off to the side of the road.

Zane and Harvey pulled up right behind us rushing to my door.

"Her water broke all over my dam seat, now I have to have that cleaned. Just great, something to add to my list."

"You do realize what her water breaking means right? And stop worrying about your car. Your son could make his arrival in your car. You know what that would do to your seats?"

"Get your head out of your ass." Harvey yelled at him as he slowly came to the realization there was a very real chance our son would come in the car.

"We have to get her out of here. She can't have our son in my car."

"I'll make the call you get over there and help her if she needs it. Harvey was on the phone before Weston walked away.

The pain continued to grow but there was nothing that would be able to stop him from making an appearance. This world was messed up enough and yet something seemed perfect. It took about 25 minutes for the ambulance to arrive but by the time they got there I was too weak to even move. They got me loaded all while the pains were the worst they had even been. The Paramedic asked all sorts of question's before rolling away. I couldn't hold him in anymore and I wanted him out. The pressure was more than anything I had ever felt. We were about half way to the hospital when I had no choice but to deliver him. He made his grand appearance just as we were pulling into the entrance. There were doctors waiting but nothing prepared me for them to have taken him as soon as we arrived. I had passed out almost immediately.

A few hours later the nurse handed me our 7lbs 5ounces and 22inches long Kendrew Michael Rogers. Everything stood still for a minute and it was only Weston Kendrew and I while the world bustled on around us. I thought I knew what love was but when they handed Kendrew to me I relearned what love meant and how special it was to feel this way. My mother showed up to see us as well but she was only there long enough to lecture me about drugs when Weston chimed in.

"You don't have to worry about her and those drugs, they are gone forever and I am going to make sure of that."

"Well I'm not sure that you could change her after all I tried, but maybe you will do better. Get well soon, I'll see you both later." She said making her way out the door.

There was a simple promise in the words he said to my mother but I knew he was right because I wanted to be clean forever. I never wanted to revert into the person I used to be while I was on drugs. Even Kyler came to visit me not knowing what he would find when he got there. He was taken back a bit by Kendrew but he was happy to hold him and sit there with us for a few hours.

Weleft the hospital a week later to care for our son. I knew it was going to be a long road butthere would be plenty of people there to help us.

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