Down by the Lake

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Chapter 8 – Down By The Lake

Ellie wakes up to a painful and pounding headache, she turns to see Dougie peacefully sleeping next to her. As she watches him, Ellie begins to remember the events from the night before. The embarrassment of getting drunk and making herself sick in front of someone she really loved made her cringe. That was a state Ellie hoped Dougie would never see from her, especially not so early on in the relationship. Ellie felt so ashamed and tears slowly began to fill her eyes. Dougie wakes up to the sound of Ellie quietly crying. He quickly sits himself up and shuffles closer to Ellie wrapping his arm around her.

'Ells, what's wrong?' Dougie asked concerned.

'I'm so sorry Dougie, I'm just so sorry.' Ellie tries to say as the tears get heavier.

'Sorry for what Ellie?' Dougie questions confused.

'Sorry, for my behavior last night, and for my behavior in the taxi. Sorry, for yelling at you and for being rude about your band. Everything Dougie. I'm sorry for everything!'

At this point Ellie is in hysterics crying. Dougie holds her tightly soothing Ellie as she buries her head into his shoulder trying to calm herself down.

'Ellie look at me.' Dougie pleads

She moves her head and her puffy red eyes look into Dougie's. He rests his hand on her cheek and dries her tears with the pad of his thumb.

"Ellie you have absolutely nothing to be apologetic for. You had every right to be angry last night. Angry at me and angry at the band. Even I was angry at myself and the band last night.' Dougie says trying to calm Ellie. "If there is one thing I can't stand though, is seeing you upset. Because your happiness means everything to me Ellie and if I was the reason you were upset or angry last night, then I should be the one apologizing not you Ellie.'

Dougie looks deeply into Ellie's eyes, for a few seconds it is silent. Ellie grabs his face and kisses him passionately. They stop and both smile, then sharing an affectionate hug.

'Hey want to see something funny to make you feel better?' Dougie asks Ellie

'Okay?' Ellie replies confused.

Dougie gets out of bed and turns around with his back facing Ellie.

'Doug what are you doing?' Ellie says laughing slightly.

'Just trust me' He says reassuring her.

He pulls down his pants to reveal the little dinosaur tattoo on his left bum cheek. Ellie bursts out with laughter at the sight of the tattoo.

"WHAT IS THAT?!' Ellie asks barely able to talk through the laughter.

'This is the reason I hate my friends and why I was late last night' Dougie says giggling.

'OH MY GOD! THAT IS THE FUNNIEST TATTOO EVER! YOU HAVE A CARTOON DINOSAUR ON YOUR ARSE!' Ellie is unable to control her hysterical laughing, from Dougie's poor decisions from last night.

Dougie pulls his pants back up and turns around to see Ellie lying down, clutching to her stomach still laughing. Dougie begins to laugh at Ellie's reactions and lies next to her.

'Okay, I'm okay. ' Ellie says slowly calming down.

'I've got an idea. How about we take the day off, get some breakfast, and then go into town do shopping.' Dougie suggests smiling at Ellie.

'That sounds perfect.' She replies, slowly kissing Dougie again.

After a quick breakfast of green smoothies, Dougie and Ellie got dressed. It was still slightly cold so Ellie wore a loose jumper, jeans and a beanie. Dougie wore a wooly jumper, black jeans and of course a fedora. Dougie was already downstairs, sat on the sofa and scrolling through his phone when Ellie came down stairs. She went to the mirror hung up on the wall to check her make up.

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