Sorry's Not Good Enough

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Dougie began to speak "I can explain. I'm so sorry Ells and I know that's not good enough but...."

Before he could continue Ellie ran to him and smashed her lips against his while wrapping her arms tightly around him. Dougie in total shock then grabbed her waist and kissed her back. Ellie then moved back from their amorous kiss and looked into Dougie's eyes

"Thank you for the bag. I love it." Ellie said smiling.

Dougie laughed a little and smiled back. He then kissed her again.

"I'm glad you like it. I wish I was there to see your reaction when you first saw it." Dougie said now getting a more serious look on his face.

"Yeah, I wish you were too. Speaking of that..." Ellie then took herself out of Dougie's arms and sat down on the sofa, tapping the spot next to her asking him to sit.

"You most certainly have some explaining to do." Ellie said.

He sat down next to her and looked down at his hands, trying to think of the best way to explain what happened.

"An old friend called me the night of our day out, and asked me to see him. I couldn't say no but I didn't want to have you be involved with it. So I thought it would be easier to just disappear for a few days. I decided to leave you the bag out in case you found it before I got back." Dougie told Ellie.

"Why couldn't you just tell me where you was, or what you were doing? Everyone was so worried. I called all your friends, relatives; no one knew what had happened. Why did you make it such a big secret?" She asked confused.

"This old friend was coming into some very serious danger, he didn't know who else to turn to." Dougie explained.

"What kind of danger? He didn't put you in danger did he?" She said concerned.

"No, no. He was putting himself in danger. I went to help him."

"How do you know him babe? Why couldn't you tell me."

"We were in rehab together. He was close to a breakdown and relapsing, I just went to get him back on his feet. I'm sorry I didn't tell you; I didn't want to get into too much detail about that dark time of my life with you just yet. I didn't want you to think differently of me." Dougie said with his head down.

"Oh love" Ellie moved closer to him and hugged him. "I know you have had a rough past and it can be difficult sometimes. But that doesn't change the fact you are an incredible and lovely human being, who cares about his friend's safety and his girlfriend's feelings. I wouldn't think of you any other way but that. " She said looking at him.

Dougie looked at Ellie and smiled.

"So is he okay now then?" She asked.

"Oh yeah, he just needed reminding what he had worked so hard for." Dougie replied. "How was Ireland? You looked so sexy by the way." He added.

"It was incredible, the crowd was so into it. I love smaller gigs, it just feels more personal." She said. "I'm sorry about that voicemail I left you. I was really out of it and angry. I didn't mean a single word of it."

"Oh don't worry about it. I should've called you back sooner. However, it wasn't a voicemail, I actually did answer that time you just didn't notice. I left my friends place and came straight home once you hung up. I then waited here until you got back." Dougie explained.

"You did that for me?"

"Of course I did Ellie."

Ellie stopped and stared at Dougie her mouth slightly open. She couldn't believe what Dougie had done for her, to travel all the way back and wait for her, just to apologies. No one had ever done something like that for her. She knew that Dougie was clearly something very special and Ellie felt so lucky to have him in her life. They shared one more passionate kiss.

"Hey, I know its late but do you want me to make you something, I know you are hungry when you get off a flight." Dougie asked.

"Usually I would but right now all I want is to sleep. I'm absolutely shattered." Ellie said while yawning.

"Well then lets get you to bed." Dougie smirked.

He picked Ellie up bridal style and whisked her upstairs to the bedroom. HE then gently laid her on the bed, which left her laughing. They then both got changed and Ellie grabbed a T-shirt to throw on which without realizing was one of Dougie's old shirts.

"Stealing my clothes now." Dougie said laughing while taking his top off.

"Oh like you haven't thought about stealing some of mine."

"Its not my fault I only fit in Women's skinny jeans they are just much comfier." They both laughed and then got into bed.

In a matter of minutes they were both fast asleep in each other arms with small smiles on their faces.

They next morning Ellie woke up with Dougie completely draped over her. She laughed slightly trying to untangle herself from him. As she finally thought she was free, Ellie felt his arms wrap around her waist and drag her back into bed.

"Where do you think your going." Dougie whispered as he kissed her neck.

"I'm starving now I want to get some breakfast."

"Don't you want to spend 5 more minutes in bed."

"It is a comfy bed. I could lay here with you forever" Ellie spoke now starting to relax back under the duvet. She turned around so she was facing Dougie. They lay content when suddenly; they heard Dougie's stomach grumble loudly. Ellie and Dougie both went into a fit of laughter.

"Okay maybe we should go get food." He said through the chuckle.

They both got up and went downstairs to the kitchen, Ellie then sees the mess she of her bags she left from late last night.

"I better sort this out and take my bags upstairs." Ellie sighed.

"Okay I'll start breakfast."

Ellie dragged all her bags back upstairs and unpacked all her things. She was expecting Dougie to make something as simple as toast but when she went into the kitchen she saw Dougie had made her favorite tofu scramble eggs and green tea.

"What is this!" Ellie said impressed.

"Your favorite, I'm hoping." Dougie said slightly nervous while putting the two bowls onto the table.

"Yes it is my favorite but how did you know?" She said as she sat down.

"I asked around." Dougie replied smirking.

She took a bite and grinned.

"Babe, this is delicious. Oh my god." Ellie gleamed.

"Oh good, I thought I had totally destroyed your favorite meal." He said with relief.

They then continued to enjoy breakfast together and spent the rest of their day relaxing at home enjoying each other's company. It proved that sometimes sorry was good enough. 

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