Before You Knew Me

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Ellie was in her room getting ready for the award show. Louis was trying to do her hair and Lucy her make-up. Hannah came over with a cup of tea and placed it in front of her.

"You okay Ells, you seem pretty upset." Ellie looked at Hannah and sighed.

"No it's nothing, it's just, War Horse is on TV. Jeremy was always such a good actor." Ellie got the remote and turned the TV off.

"Ellie it's nearly been a year. You have to forget about him." Said Hannah reassuring her.

"I know, I just need to forget about guys all together really." Ellie said laughing at herself.

"Exactly, you don't need a man right now, you have me and Lauren and the rest of the EG team" Hannah said looking up to Louis and Lucy.

"You know what, you're right. From now on I'm going to forget about men and really focus on my career" Hannah passed Ellie her tea and then left to let Louis and Lucy finish her hair and make-up.

* 2 hours later *

Ellie is now at the award show in London. She is at her table with the EG crew when she spots McBusted at another table opposite her. More importantly Dougie is sat with them. 

"Oh my god, McBusted are over there, I have to go over and say hello." Ellie says excitedly.

"I saw you missus eyeing up Dougie, remember what we talked about earlier." Said Hannah.

"Shut up Hannah, I just want to say Hi."

Dougie turns to tom and asks "Isn't that Ellie Goulding sitting over there?"

Tom replies "Doug you're well into her mate, go talk to her!" Tom nudged Dougie's shoulder trying to convince him to walk over.

"I can't, I mean she's Ellie bloody Goulding. She's Gorgeous, she would never like a guy like me".

Harry listened in to their conversation "I don't know mate, she seems to be pretty into you. Look she is about to get up, go say hello" Harry said encouraging Dougie.

As Ellie makes her way towards McBusted, Dougie stands up and walks towards to Ellie. Suddenly Ellie trips on her dress and is sent falling into Dougie's arms. She looks up into his big blue eyes.

"Whoa are you okay there Ellie?" Dougie says still clutching onto Ellie.

"Yeah, well I'm okay now."

Dougie helps her get up and they share a moment of staring into each other's eyes.

"Hey go you wanna come over to our table for a quick drink and catch-up?" ask Dougie pointing back to his table.

Ellie nods "sounds great, I'll just need to go back and get my bag."

They both walk back to Ellie's table. Hannah and Ellie share a look where they know what the other one is thinking. Hannah eyes widen when she sees Dougie and looks at Ellie.

"Hannah I'm staying at McBusted's table for the rest of the night."

Hannah is quiet at first, but she sees how happy Ellie is and replies with

"Yeah sure, that's a great idea. You two have fun. Just remember our little convo from earlier" Ellie smirks at Hannah

"I know, I know."

Ellie grabs her bag and drink, then turns around to see Dougie has his arm reached out to her. She intertwines arms with him and holds her skirt up a bit making sure she didn't trip over again. They walk over to the McBusted table, luckily there is a spare seat. Dougie pulls out the chair for Ellie and she takes a seat putting her drink and purse on the table. Dougie sits next to her with Tom on the other side giving Dougie a small smirk.

"Hey Ellie, what brings you over here." Asks Tom.

"Oh, I just thought, we haven't really seen each other in a while, I thought it be nice to catch up. Until I tripped on my dress on the way here. Luckily Dougie was there to catch me." Ellie blushed looking at Dougie who couldn't stop staring at her. Danny then stands up

"I'm going to get a drink do you guys want anything?"

All the McBusted boys shook their heads.

"Ellie?" asked Danny.

"I'm ok thank you" she said sweetly.

"How about you Doug" Danny looked at Dougie who was totally gazed away by Ellie's beauty.

"Dougie" shouted Danny.

Dougie jumped and looked at Danny

"Hmm yeah, sorry".

"Do you want a drink?" asked Danny again impatiently.

"Oh, no I'm fine thanks" Dougie turned back to Ellie. McBusted tried their best to small talk with Ellie, but Dougie and Ellie couldn't stop talking to each other all night.

A few hours went by, it was nearly 11, and Hannah walked over to the McBusted table.

"Hey, Ellie it's nearly 11 and you have to be in the studio early tomorrow morning" Ellie finally took her eyes off Dougie and turned to Hannah.

"Oh shit, I totally forgot." Hannah could see Ellie didn't want to leave yet.

"How about you invite them to the party on Saturday?" said Hannah.

"That's a great idea! Would you guys like to come over to mine next Saturday for a party to celebrate my birthday?" McBusted looked at each other.

"Hell yes I'll be there." Said Matt.

"Sounds like fun" replied Tom.

The rest of McBusted agreed. Ellie gave them the details and said good bye. Ellie, Hannah and the rest of the EG crew were just heading out the door, when Dougie suddenly came running out.

"Ellie, hey wait up" shouted Dougie.

Ellie turned around to see a very tired out Dougie holding her bag.

"You left it on the table." Dougie said panting.

"Fuck, Thank you, would have been a disaster if I left it behind."

She gave Dougie a quick hug thank you then walked to her car with Hannah. They both waved goodbye to each other. Ellie smiled to herself in the car bushing slightly. Hannah looked at Ellie slightly concerned.

"Ells, what happened to no more men, what happened to focusing on just your career?"

"Hannah, please I barely know him. Dougie and I are just friends. " Replied Ellie.

"Gurlll, you are totally smitten with him" Hannah said giggling at Ellie.

"I'm still going to focus on my career and stuff, but I'm allowed to have some fun. Like the party next weekend, when I get to see everyone again." Ellie said.

"You mean, when you get to see HIM again." Hannah said still laughing at her.

"He is kind of cute I guess" She smiled to herself.

Ellie looked out the window of the car seeing all the lights of London. She knew she had to concentrate on her and not men right now but deep down she really couldn't wait for Saturday to come, so she could finally see Dougie again.

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