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It was early Thursday morning and Dougie walked downstairs to see Ellie on the phone.

"Okay that sounds great." Ellie spoke to the person on the phone. She then turned around to see Dougie.

"Yes. We will see you then. Bye" She hung up the phone.

"Morning" Ellie then said walking up to Dougie and giving him a quick kiss.

"Morning, who was that on the phone?" He questioned.

"It was my mum." Ellie said slowly. " She is having a little family party this weekend and wants us to come."

Dougie's face went slightly serious. "Us? As in you and I?" He asks.

"You don't have to go if you don't want to. She just thought this would be a great way for you to meet her and the rest of the family. But I totally understand that it's probably way too soon..." Ellie started to ramble, but Dougie promptly interrupted her.

"Ells, calm down." He then caressed his hands on her face "I would be honored to meet your family." Dougie said smiling.

"Really? I am so happy to hear that." Ellie gleamed.

"So when is this party, where I'll have to put on best suit and smile." Dougie said laughing.

"It is on Saturday afternoon. I thought we could leave early Saturday morning, get the train."

"Well how about we make a whole weekend, road trip out of it? We could leave tomorrow and come back Sunday evening," He suggested; now wrapping his arms her waist. She puts her arms round his neck, and looks him deeply in the eyes.

"That sounds perfect." Ellie responds then sharing a romantic kiss.

"Better start packing now then." Dougie says kissing Ellie again. "I'll go back to my place tonight and then meet you tomorrow morning." He added.

"Okay, but can we stay like this a little while longer." Ellie said with her eyes closed and head resting on Dougie.

He smiled hugged Ellie tighter not wanting to let go.

* The next morning *

Dougie arrived outside Ellie's house in his car and beeped the horn. Ellie rushed out with her bags and a pillow. He got out the car and Ellie dropped her bags to give Dougie a kiss. He got her large bad and put it in the boot, while Ellie got into the car with her other bag and pillow. Dougie then closed the door and go in as well.

"You ready to go?" He said staring the car.

"Lets do this."

And they set off to Ellie's family home. An hour into their journey and Ellie turned to look at Dougie who was concentrating on the road. She smiled as she watched him.

"What are you looking at?" Dougie said now smirking.

Ellie giggled and replied.

"Oh nothing. I'm was just thinking how lucky I was." Ellie laughed.

"None of my exes would ever meet my mum or siblings let alone most of my family so early in the relationship. I feel lucky to have someone who wants to be so involved." She added.

"I can't understand why they wouldn't want to meet your family. If they are even half as great as you are, they must be pretty epic." Dougie smiled.

She laughed again "Seriously though Dougie, thank you."

"You're more than welcome Ellie."

She leant over and kissed his cheek.

The car journey was a few hours long so they only stopped once for food and petrol. At that stop Ellie went inside to get drinks for her and Dougie, while Dougie was outside at a petrol pump when he heard his phone start to ring.

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