Falling in Love

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Saturday had finally arrived. Ellie woke up in such excitement. Tonight was the night she was finally going to see Dougie again. Ellie rushed downstairs to see Hannah was already in her flat. She was drinking a cup of coffee and reading the newspaper while sat on a stool at the breakfast bar. Ellie did a skip like walk to the kitchen to make herself a cup of tea. As she got a mug she started hum a little tune. Hannah put her cup down on the table as she watched Ellie skip and hum happily. She had never seen Ellie so cheery in the morning.

"You're in a good mood this morning, any reason why?" Hannah said taking another small sip from her coffee.

"Not really, any reason why you're in my flat?" Ellie said pouring the hot water into the mug.

"You asked me to come over to help you set up the party"

Hannah then suddenly realised why Ellie was in such a good mood.

"OMG you're excited about Dougie coming tonight aren't you." Hannah said.

Ellie walked over to wear Hannah was sitting she leaned against the bar with the mug in her hand smiling to herself. "He was a really nice guy, I mean they all were. McBusted are great. It will be nice to see them again" Ellie twirled the ends of her hair as she remembered her night at the award show.

Meanwhile, in Northwood. All the McBusted boys were at Tom's for breakfast.

"Are we still up for going to Ellie's tonight?" Asks Harry.

"I know Dougie is" Matt said laughing.

"Dude were just friends." Dougie said.

"Friends for now..." Matt said under his breath.

"Ooooooo has Dougie got a crush." Danny said jokingly.

"Ellie is a really cool girl, we already said we would go now anyway." Dougie smiled as he reminisced his night with Ellie at the award show.

"Shall we meet up back here at around 8" asked Tom.

All the McBusted boys agreed Dougie still smiled to himself. He had waited all week to finally see Ellie again. Tonight was his chance to impress her.

*several Hours later*

It was around 10:30 and people were starting to get a bit tipsy. Ellie tried to look her best she wore her leather trousers and a loose tank top. She started to think McBusted wasn't going to show up, or worse Dougie wouldn't show up. Hannah, who was a little drunk stumbled to Ellie who was staring at the door.

"Ells don't worry, they're coming"

Ellie helped hold Hannah up. As Ellie got Hannah back on her feet she heard a knock on the door. Ellie stood there frozen, was it Dougie. She dropped Hannah and ran to the door, she quickly checked her hair and makeup making sure she looked perfect and opened the door to see McBusted standing at her door. She smiled and let them in. Danny, Harry, Matt, James and Tom all walked through the door, then standing there staring at his feet was Dougie. He looked up and the beauty of Ellie blew him away.

"Wow. You look amazing." Dougie said smiling.

Ellie blushed. "Thanks you look good too."

Dougie walked through the door and Ellie closed it behind him. Hannah looked at Ellie and gave her a quick smile and a thumbs up. Tom smirked as Dougie turned to talk to Ellie.

"Would you like a drink?" asks Dougie.

"Yes please, but I can only one tonight because I have studio in the morning." Ellie replied.

Dougie and Ellie couldn't be separated from each other during the whole party. They loved spending time with each other.

It's now around 3am and nearly everyone has left the party except for Hannah, Tom, Danny and Dougie. Tom offers to take them all home as he is sober.

"Come on guys it's nearly 4am let's get home already, I'll be in the car."

Danny and Hannah walk towards the door but Dougie has lost his phone.

Dougie shouted "Ughhhh I think someone has stolen my phone you guys go I'm going to search downstairs a bit more, for fucks sake it better be around here somewhere."

"But how are you going to make it home?" Danny asked.

Ellie comes downstairs in her pyjamas.

"Don't worry guys I'll drop Dougie off. I didn't really have anything drink." Says Ellie.

"Okay then babes I'll see you tomorrow" Hannah hugs Ellie as she leaves with tom and Danny. "Okay, Dougie I'll help you look for your phone it might have slipped somewhere down in the sofa" Ellie said. They both move towards the sofa and search it. Still no phone.

"I'll look in the kitchen" Dougie says.

He loses his balance and trips over the coffee table and lands on top of Ellie. Ellie tries her hardest to look pissed off at him but they both burst out laughing.

"You're such a twat Doug, how much have you bloody had to drink" Ellie giggled.

"I'll let you know I'm nearly three years sober, just very clumsy... wow I've never noticed your eyes are so... lovely" Dougie says as he pushes himself of her.

Ellie blushes. "Wait I think I see it" Ellie exclaims "it's over thee under the sofa" she tries to reach for it but she can't reach, Dougie kneels on the floor next to her and as he reaches for the phone his hands touches her and they both go red. Dougie pulls the phone from under the sofa and turns to Ellie.

Ellie yawns she looks Dougie in the eyes and says

"You know I'm feeling pretty tired... maybe you could just spend the night here..." She says as she bites her lip.

"Yeah I wouldn't want you to crash your car"

Ellie yawns again and they both get off the floor. Ellie shows Dougie to the spare bedroom, half of the room is filled with Ellie's clothes and personal belongings. He sits on the bed and looks around the room, he then spots a box labelled McFly. Ellie's already gone upstairs so he goes over and looks inside. When he takes the lid off, the box is filled with posters of McFly and their CDs but he noticed most of them were of himself.

"Wow" he says to himself.

He never thought of Ellie as a galaxy defender. There were also pictures from the concerts she went to. He found a picture of Ellie but with brown hair and glasses with himself when he went through a red hair punk phases. As he looks at the picture his heart melts and he carefully return all the McFly, merch back into the box and goes to bed.

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