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Jenny's pov

I jumped into daddy's arm, I can't believe he bought me.
Daddy put me down and said " alright now we have to go pay" after daddy payed I was tired to walk."daddy" "yes little one?" "I want up" I made grabby hands "okay " he picked me up .
We went to the car.
Justin's pov
I opened the door and was ready to put my baby girl in her seat but then she spoke "daddy who's seat is this?" I chuckled "it is yours baby girl" . After buckling her and getting inside the car I asked her "do you want apple juice?" . "Yes please daddy " she replied. "Alright ther you go" I gave her the bottle."fank you daddy,". I smiled in response. I checked the time it was 7:52pm . "Baby girl?" "yes daddy??" "When we get home, i will tell you the rules that u have to follow and punishments you will be given if u break a rule Then u have to go to bed ok?"
She nodded. "Use words princess " I demand sternly. "Yes daddy " she said smiling. "Good girl " she's so fucking cute
Short chapter

Daddy's baby girl {discounted for a while}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora