Chapter 12

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Read A/n below its so important.
Justin's pov
I woke up to sounds of whimpers , I open my eyes slowly , to find Jenny next to me I look at the time to see its 3 am. "Baby what's wrong ?"
"Bad dweam" (dream). Aww
"It's okay baby it was just a dream now come on let's cuddle till we fall back asleep okay princess?"
"Okay daddy" she smiles. We cuddle each other and she fell asleep really fast.
I woke up because of Jenny jumping on my bed . "DADDY!! WAKE UP !!!" She yelled . "Baby stop!" I said. Jenny jumped on top of me "not until you wake up daddy" I chuckle "well I am awake because if I was still sleeping Then I won't be talking to you"
She laughs and keeps jumping "Jenny I said stop" i pretend that I'm mad . She immediately stops and I laugh "what?!" "Oh nothing baby" "tell me!" "No" I check the time on my phone and it's 8:34
"Let's go eat breakfast " I stand up and Jenny smacks my ass, I look at her "I like your ass daddy " I bend and start to tickle her she laughs and kicks. I laugh at her then stop tickling her .
I pick her up and set her on my hip , walk out of my room , and then made my way downstairs .
I walk in to the living room set her on the couch and turned on the TV for her to watch SpongeBob . Then I kissed her forehead and said "alright baby I'll go make breakfast" she nodded . I made my way to the kitchen .
*minutes later*
Jenny's Pov
I am bored , I don't feel like watching spongebob . I wanna help daddy cook . I walk out of the living room , and made my way to the kitchen . "Daddy can I please help you cook ?" I ask hoping daddy will say yes. "Well baby girl I'm done cooking " . Daddy picks me up and walks to my high chair. "No! No! Daddy! ". I kick and scream then he picks me up again, I instantly shut up . "So you want to sit on daddy's lap huh? " I nod . He chuckles and walks to the couch , sets me down . He went back to kitchen , then came back with our food . We both start to eat.
*after eating*
I just finished eating and I am still waiting for daddy to finish . "Daddy !! Come on finish your food fast!" I whine and cross my arms. He just looks up at me . Giving me a look that made me stop whining . "Good girl" he said then continued to eat . Once he finished eating. I wanted to go to the park today so I asked "daddy can we go to the park today? Ohh and have some junk food for lunch? Please daddy? Please?" He chuckles and then says "that is exactly what I have had planned for today baby" making me jump and danced my happy dance.

 I wanted to go to the park today so I asked "daddy can we go to the park today? Ohh and have some junk food for lunch? Please daddy? Please?"  He chuckles and then says "that is exactly what I have had planned for today baby" making me jump and d...

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

(Just imagine that Jenny [lily] did the dance😂😂😂)
"Okay let's go get ready !" Daddy said still laughing at my happy dance. "Yay! Let's gooooo!" I said pulling daddy with me . He pulls me back and kissed me on my lips.

 He pulls me back and kissed me on my lips

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

He grabbed my ass and I let out a moan. And then we both pull away gasping for air. "I love you so much baby girl you have no idea " he says . "I love you more daddy and thank you " I say back . "For what?" He asks . "Being my first kiss Daddy" . "Aww baby I will be your first in other things too" I blush knowing what he means . "Alright let's go get ready babes " he says picking me up, I wrap my arms around his neck . He walks up the stairs and to my room he lays me on my changing table.
*after changing Jenny's clothes * (pic above) "alright we are done now how do you want your hair?" Daddy asks "umm pigtails please " I reply "okay" he says then started brushing my hair .
Once daddy finished he said "alright princess now Daddy has to get ready do you want to watch a movie in my room ?" "No daddy I want to play with your phone and I want my paci". "Okay kitten let's go " he grabbed my paci from my nightstand and put it in my mouth. I make grabby hands towards him , making him chuckle and pick me up. We , well he walks to his room and sets me on his bed and gives me his phone "alright daddy is going to shower baby " I nod and he walks away to his bathroom. I start to play.
*20 minutes later *
Daddy's phone locked when I was looking for my Stuffie and now it won't open because it has a password. I walk to daddy's bathroom, open the glass showering door (Idk what it is called ) there was daddy naked I giggled he opens his "baby it's not nice to walk into someone when they're showering why didn't you knock on the door?" He asks sternly, I start to tear up. "No tears princess I'm sorry " he says I wipe my tears away and he says "now go wait for me to get out okay?" I nod and walk out and wait for daddy to I get out of the bathroom.
Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and thank you so much for 3 k reads I can't believe it . Thank you for 1 k reads on "Daddy Bieber" .
I want you guys to know that my books will be on hold. I won't be using my phone for idk maybe months . I'm sorry but whenever I get the chance to use my phone I will update. I love you so much guys. Bye .

Daddy's baby girl {discounted for a while}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora