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Jenny's pov
I woke up to find myself inside my crib, I stretched my arms. The door swung open , it was daddy. "Good morning baby girl" . "Morning daddy " . "Why are you up early?" . "Well I just woke up right before you open the door" . "Okay then, do want your bottle now or after getting you dressed?" .
"now daddy" . Daddy gave me my bottle and picked me up, out of the crib to the floor . I love him so much.
Justin's pov
I changed my baby into a nice pink fluffy dress with 'daddy's little princess ' written on it. I was taking her to the park and to get ice cream but after we eat breakfast and after I go to Ariana's house because she wants to meet Jenny.
I picked Jenny up and went to the kitchen, put her in her high chair. I cooked pancakes and bacon and egg . I gave her blueberries and yogurt.
After eating
"Darling we are gonna to go to the park and then to get some ice cream. How does that sound?huh?" I tell her smiling. "Willy daddy? Willy we gonna go to the pawk and then to get ice cweam?" . I giggle at her cuteness "yeah princess we will"
"Daddy go get weady (ready) so we can go". I checked the time "I am ready but we are not going there straight daddy will go to his friend's house okay?" "But daddy " "no buts don't make me change my mind ". "Fine " .
"Baby come here , we gotta go" "coming"
Jenny came and I picked her up and went to the car . I buckled her in her seat , drove off to Ariana's .
Jenny's pov
Daddy said we are going to his friends house . I was busy playing until the car stopped . I looked up to see we were in front a huge house "daddy where are we?" "My friend's house baby girl" daddy got out of the car and came to my side and got me out.
Daddy knocked the door. After minutes, a girl came out "hey Justin" ."hey "
We went inside, daddy sat me next to him .
"Hey baby girl what's your name?" The girl asked me . Daddy looked at me . I didn't want to answer so I hid my face in my hands "she is shy her name is Jenny " that stupid girl laughed
And said "nice name " " k now we have to go " and with that daddy held my hand and we started walking to the door .
"Ok bye Justin bye Jenny " she gave daddy a hug and kissed his cheek . "I am Ariana by the way" she said looking at me
"Who said that I care and want to know you by the way" daddy
Looked at me and he was angry at me . "I am sorry Ariana I don't know what has gotten in to her " "it is okay "
We got out of her house and when she closed the door daddy spoke "Jenny we won't go to the park neither to get ice cream " "but why ?" "The way you were acting she was being nice and you were being mean when we get home you are getting a time out 30 minutes " "but daddy she kissed you and I didn't like it you are my daddy and no one kisses you please daddy I am sorry I don't want a time out I want to go to the park and get ice cream" "you will get a time out and if you behaved well we will watch movies and tomorrow we can go to the park and get ice cream " "okay " I said Rollin my eyes
Hey guys what do think about this chapter ? Plz comment and vote .love y'all ❤️❤️❤️ xoxo JB ❤️❤️❤️. 10 votes please?

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