Chapter 1️⃣1️⃣ eleven

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Justin's pov
It has been an hour sense Ryan left I go up the stairs to Jenny's room, to wake her up. I open the door to enter her room . I walk to her bed . I lightly shake her "baby wake up" she groans and sits up "where is lily daddy?" "She went back home ". "But daddy we didn't play!" "Hey, listen here . We don't talk to daddy like that. And if you be a good girl today, then tomorrow we can go to the park with uncle Ryan and lily . Okay?"
"No! I want to play with lily right now " I grab her wrist, pulling her up , making her stand up. I give her ass five hard swats "Ouch daddy!" I pick her up , set her on my hip . I rub her back so that she stops crying "ssh baby " When her crying turned to sniffles , she apologises "daddy I am sorry"
"I know baby I know "
"You spank really hard daddy "
I laughed "I know baby . Only bad girls get 'em , and you were being a bad girl so you got'em "
"I said I'm sowwy daddy. I is a good girl "
"Okay so do you want to go down stairs to watch a movie? And you can have some candy too . Does that sound good? "
"Oh yeah!" She exclaims excited.
I chuckle and walked out of the door of her room , and went down stairs to the living room . I set her down and said "alright baby, sit down while I go get popcorn and some candy for us okay?"
"Daddy I want my blankie and paci " she says softly. I let out a chuckle and say "okay baby I will get them for you right now don't move okay? And if the door bell rings come get me and don't open the door okay ? "
"Okay but now I want paci and blankie please daddy"
"Alright baby I'll be right back "
I go to her room get her a diaper baby powder and baby's wipes and blanket and her paci. I go back down stairs to find her sitting on the couch humming a song
"Alright c'mere baby we have to change your diaper first then we can watch the movie " she came she came to me and then I changed her diaper and then I went to the kitchen to get some popcorn and candy . Then I walked to the living room to find her sitting on the couch . " alright baby which movie do you want us to Watch? "
"000H can we please watch Cinderella? "
I let out a chuckle and then say "yes we can baby girl "
* skip till the movie ends *
The movie just ended , And Jenny fell a sleep by the end of the movie. "Come on baby The movie just ended "I say as I lightly shake her. Jenny's Eye slowly open and looks at me "what? What happened? I'm awake daddy I'm awake " I laugh at her cuteness. "We are going to take a bath right now. After that we going to eat dinner and then it will be your bedtime okay? ". "Okay daddy " I pick her up and then set her on my hip. Then I walk up stairs to her room, then to the bathroom.
After I bathed her, I put her in a new clean diaper. Then help her put her jammies on.
"Let's go downstairs to the kitchen to eat dinner " I Took her hand in mine, then we walked downstairs , To the kitchen. "Yay! Thank you! Yay spaghetti." I chuckle. Spaghetti is her favourite food she is just like me. After eating dinner I Help her brush her teeth. Then I put her inside her crib . I watch as she cutely suck her paci. "Alright cutie good night baby girl"
"Goof night daddy "
I place a soft kiss on her forehead Then I walked out of the room close the door but not before turning on the baby monitor.
I went to my bathroom got ready because I was so tired so I had to go to sleep.
Hey guys,
First of all, I wanna thank you for 2k reads. I seriously cannot believe this thank you guys so so much I love you all.
Second, my friend pinkiestprincess And I , wrote a book together. It is up right now so please check it out It is a ddlg story. Please guys I need your help , please go vote and comment what do you think of it. Follow our account 2kawaiicookiesand please help us to reach at least 200 reads.

Again, the cover of the book is made by this amazing girl JB_Justin_Bieber  she made covers for all of my books

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Again, the cover of the book is made by this amazing girl JB_Justin_Bieber she made covers for all of my books. What are you waiting for?? Follow her .
I hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and please vote and comment. Whatever. I love you guys so much you all have no idea. Thank you for reading and bye love you all so much.


Daddy's baby girl {discounted for a while}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora