1️⃣3️⃣ thirteen

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Justin's pov
Jenny is crying and kicking and its making me nothing but mad , she says that she doesn't want to wear a diaper today because it is embarrassing her . "Pah-lease Daddy n-no diaper " she says crying even . "Can u stop crying ? Or do u want a time out right now and no park "
"I don't like it , if u force me to wear diapers then I don't want to be here " .
"Ok, go to your room and wait for me to wear my clothes and I will come to get this diaper off u" I say and she gets out my room and closes the door behind her . I change my clothes and walk out of my room , to Jenny's room .
I walk in , to find her sitting on the floor , playing with her fingers . I smile and say "baby come here " she looks at me and then she crawled to me . "Sowwy dada" "I'm sorry baby I forced u to wear diapers" I pick her up and walk to her changed table and she says "M-my paci papa I want it" . I chuckle " alright baby"
I walk to her nightstand and grab her princess paci and give it to . I put it in her mouth and she cutely starts sucking on it . I wonder if she... No! Justin! It's not the time for that yet! She isn't ready yet!
I take off her shorts and take off her diaper and wipe her parts clean . And put the shorts back on and look at her to find asleep . I chuckle and pick her up saying "baby baby wake up " she opens her eyes "do u still wanna go to the park ?" She shakes her "no, wanna cuddle daddy please " . "Alright kitten , let me get u changed first " I lay her back down on her changing table and change her into an onesie .
I walk out of her room and walk to mine    .   I set her on my bed and walk away to go change  into sweatpants

I walk to the bed , and lay down next  to her I pull the covers over us and kiss her forehead and she snuggles into me and I wrap my arm around her waist

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I walk to the bed , and lay down next  to her I pull the covers over us and kiss her forehead and she snuggles into me and I wrap my arm around her waist .
I cuddle her for a few minutes and then I fell asleep .
(I don't feel like writing it's 3 am I wanna sleep right now 😫😫  but this for you guys
Third person pov
Time passed by , Justin woke up without Jenny on the bed. He stood up quickly running to Jenny's room , he didn't find her there . "Jenny! Baby ! Where are you?" He screamed . Yet , no response . He ran downstairs , to the kitchen . Not there . He checked the living room
Jenny's playroom
Jenny's bathroom
Each and every guest room
But she wasn't there . He remembered that he didn't check if she is in his bathroom . He went upstairs , to his bathroom to find

Jenny covered in blood and a knife on the ground

To find Jenny sitting on the floor sobbing and her pants covered in blood
Justin's pov
"Bunny why didn't you just tell me it's the time of the month ?" I ask as I wash her hair . She sniffles "don't cry princess I'm sorry I was just asking you . And baby will u be in you little space ?"  I ask .
"No sorry jay . I don't think so , and I can be mean when I'm on my period "
"It's okay princess  we can watch movies all day and eat candy . And I have got some pads , I will show u where I have put them " I say she nods
*after the bath*
I put everything ready for Jenny "alright babe , after u finish wearing come downstairs and the pads are in there and there are tampons in there " I say as I point out to the cabinet that has the pads and tampons in it.
"Okay , thank u jay " she say and I smile at her . I get out and walk down the stairs , to the kitchen . I get many snacks out for us and I got two Coca Colas out for us . I took everything to the living room , and got out some movies for Jenny to choose.
She came down "which movie you want to want to watch ?" She picked a movie which I wasn't really interested in . But I watched it anyways.
We had a really busy day we fell asleep after watching the third movie
Hey cupcakes , I hope y'all enjoyed reading this and I want u to comment a  name for u guys (my readers) and comment some questions




You guys didn't comment many questions when I asked so please comment questions this time .
Read floodcarryaway 's book "daddy Justin " it's not ddlg  . Bye guys I love y'all

 Bye guys I love y'all

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Daddy's baby girl {discounted for a while}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora