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Jenny's pov
I woke up in daddy's bed , he was sleeping. "Daddy wake up " "what happened" "I want bweakfast" "okay" he got up . I went next and made grabby arms " Up " . He picked me up and we went downstairs, to the kitchen.
"Do you want eggs and bacon?" "Nooo, I want waffles" I replied dragging the 'o'. "Okay".
*after breakfast*
"Daddy I finished" I said handing him my plate "okay go watch spongebob until I finish"
I was thinking about daddy but then I was interrupted by someone at the door. I didn't move knowing daddy will go get it. It was the same bitch we went to her house Ariana.she gave daddy a kiss in his cheek and I burned from inside. I went to daddy and I made sure to look tired. "Daddy I am tired" "aww how cute!" That bitch said. " do u want to take a nap" I nodded while faking a yawn.he took me to room.
I wasn't tired but I fell asleep.
Justin's pov

Ariana and I were talking. I know Jenny wasn't tired but she wanted to go to her room because she didn't like Ariana. After 2 hours or something Ariana left. I went to Jenny's room knowing that she won't be sleeping. I opened the door to find Jenny crying. "What's wrong? Why are you crying?" I said as I picked her up "nightmare" I thought she was lying but she wasn't. "It's alright baby daddy is here" she relaxed a little "do want a smoothie?" She looked at me and smiled "can we?" "Yes babygirl we can" I said " I want strawberry smoothie with whip-cream please " " okay" I sat her down. so I can make our smoothies.
Hey guys I haven't been updating for awhile because I was so busy and yeah. I hope u enjoyed. Follow mansimj860
Love y'all ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

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