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Hey guys add me on kik if you want to talk to me because wattpad keep telling me to resend or change my email mansimj860 . My kik: biebslover94
Justin's pov
Finally! We are in home. Jenny is shocked because the house is big "like your new home??" I asked "like it ? Daddy I love it " I pat her butt as I sign to go in . After I showed her the house i decided to go through the rules .
"time for Daddy's rules. Afterwords, it's bed time for you, missy." "Ok daddy"
"Okay. Listen carefully, princess.
1. Say good morning when you wake up, and good night when you go to sleep. Daddy wants your attention as much as you want his and it makes me feel good inside when I'm the first and last person you talk to before you go to sleep and wake up in the mornings.
2. No swearing. You are a princess and princesses don't swear. Especially Justin Bieber's princesses.
3. Don't disrespect Daddy. You will be punished, either with the paddle, my belt, or my hand. Also you will recieve a time out.
4. Don't ignore Daddy. Once again, Daddy wants your attention too. Daddy lives for you, princess, and I will do anything in my power to make you happy but Daddy needs to be happy to make babygirl happy. It's not just a one man job. We are a team, kitten.
5. Give Daddy lots of kisses. Daddy lives for Babygirl's kisses and cuddles, especially when I'm angry at something.
6. Got to trust Daddy. Daddy puts all his trust in you and especially during our naughty playtimes, I need your full trust and you knowing Daddy will never hurt you.

7. Always ask Daddy for help when you have a problem. Daddy knows best, trust me. I am older and wiser than you are and don't forget that." I kiss her nose before continuing.
"8. If you feel sad or you have a bad memory come to mind tell daddy . Let him try, and make you happy at all times. I don't want my babygirl to ever be upset. I will fix it, I promise.
9. Do not to be a brat. Daddy doesn't like nor tolerate brats, case closed.
10. Go to bed when Daddy tells you. Once again, Daddy knows best and princess needs her beauty sleep so she's not cranky in the mornings."
11.. Always tell Daddy when you're squirmy. Daddy will handle it, I promise.
12. Always ask Daddy to touch your princess parts. If you are caught without permission, you will be punished. And it will also hurt Daddy's feelings if you don't trust him enough to take care of you.
13. Always ask Daddy for permission to cum. Again, you will be punished if u cum without my permission
14. Always tell Daddy when it gets too scary during play time. Daddy never wants you to be scared, little one. Never."
I finish my rules and watch her nod while yawning. "Yes, daddy. I will be a good girl. No punishments for this princess." I smirk and nod at her words. "We'll see about that, little girl. Now time for bed." I pick her up and walk out of my bedroom, down the hallway, and into her bedroom.
"Let's change you princess " i said. I undressed her and cleaned her princess parts. I grabbed a diaper and pjs "step on these for daddy baby girl " I held out the diaper for her . She looked at me as if she didn't want to wear the diaper "but d-daddy I don't want to wear it" . "Come on " ."i don't want please "
."fine but if you ever wet your pants then you will wear diapers , ok?"
Jenny's pov
I smiled because I know I won't wet my pants "ok" . Daddy changed me into pjs and put me in my crib .

"Um daddy?" I said ."yes little one?" ."can I have ni-night kisses ?" . "Yes of course " daddy kissed my lips and then made his way to the door and said " good night baby girl " . I said it back and daddy turned off the light and closed the door after he got out. I fell asleep.
Justin's pov
I went to my office to check if my baby girl was sleeping so I can do my trick to get her to wear diapers. She was sleeping . I went downstairs to get some stuff.

Daddy's baby girl {discounted for a while}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora