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Hey guys, i will be giving a shoutout in each chapter from now on. All you have to do is :
1- follow me
2- vote (each and every chapter )
3- comment on each chapter (don't comment 'update')
It's that simple.
Justin's pov
I was making our smoothies and Jenny was impatiently waiting for her smoothie to finish. "Daddy?" "Yes baby?" "Can I help you to make them? ". I nodded.
We finished making the smoothies . "Daddy put whipped cream on my smoothie ooh ohh and chocolate syrup please"
"okay " after putting the whip cream and chocolate syrup. I gave her the smoothie. "Fank wou daddy" I chuckled "welcome babygirl" "this is yummy!!!" She is so cute and mine. I will never share my baby with anyone. I am so happy to have her I don't know what to do without her. "Daddy? Hello? Are u okay?" "Yes I am ok why?" "Your phone is ringing " I chuckle and take my phone out of my pocket. It was Ryan. My buddy .
(J= Justin
R= Ryan)
J: yo what's up man
R: yo nothing much so I heard that you got a new little
J: yeah i did
R: so how is it going with ya??
J: it's good it's good
R: alright. Before I forget about it, I will be having a DDLG party tonight at my place. Can u make it??
J: yeah sure
R: ok see you both in a bit
J: alright see ya man
(Phone call ended)
"Baby lets take a shower we are gonna go to a party "
"But daddy-" I immediately cut her off " no buts now stand up" I said sternly "no!" She said crossing her arms "Jenny I don't mind having you over my lap now! Stand up now!" She stood up quickly "that's what I thought "
She made grabby arms towards me but I didn't pick her up cause I was mad "walk " she pouted so I put my hand out for her to take but she crossed her arms. "Jenny drop the attitude now!" She obeyed and took my hand in her small ones. I opened her bathroom door to and set her on the counter. Once the water was warm I went back to Jenny and started undressing her.
*after bath*
"Whose party is it??" "My friends party" I replied. "Baby do u want to wear a diaper?" She shook her head no. After like two minutes "daddy I wanna go potty" I gave her a stern look "c'mere" "but I wanna go potty" "you are gonna wear a diaper" "but da-" "no buts you will wear diapers wherever we will go whether you like it or not " she pouted but came to me so I can put her in the diaper. I want her to wear diapers because I don't want her to come to me every time she want to use the bathroom. Because I know I will ignore her then she will wet herself. I put her in the diaper. "Come on let's go " I put my hand out for her to take "no I want up" "okay" I picked her up and walked out of the house and then locked the front door. I put Jenny down on her feet because I was about to open the door for her but she opened the door and was about to sit in the passengers seat "uh uh baby you can't sit here go the back seat" she made a groaning noise , got out and to her seat . After I buckled her in I ran to the drivers side, opened the door and sat in.
(Skip the drive)
We finally made it to Ryan's place. We got out of the car and made our way to the front door I didn't even do anything and Ryan came out "wait how did you know I was here " "the camera I was waiting for you to come " he said pointing out to the camera which is in the corner
We went inside, "baby say hi this is my friend Ryan, Ryan this is Jenny my babygirl" Jenny looked up at Ryan he smiled "hi uncle Ryan" "hey sweetie"
While eating dinner , some men asked me about Jenny so i looked at her seat. Shit! She is not here!!! I stood up and went to search for her . I couldn't find her! I went outside- wait who is that? There were two girls sitting on the grass, talking to each other, I went closer it was her. JENNY . "JENNY!" She immediately looked at me I went to her and grabbed her by her wrist took her inside "WHY WOULD YOU DO SOMETHING LIKE THAT! WHO SAID YOU CAN LEAVE MY SIGHT? HUH?" "I was out playing with lily and when I was trying to tell you , you didn't even look at me so I went " she raised her voice at me "DONT YOU DARE TO RAISE YOUR VOICE AT ME AGAIN " "calm down bitch!" I went to the bathroom with her behind me. I locked the door.

I hope y'all enjoyed chapter 8 . Can I please get at least 5 votes and 9 comments in this chapter? 😭😭😩😩😫😫
So what do you think Justin will do to Jenny?
What do you think Jenny would do after Justin is done with her?
Will Justin find out what Jenny did ?
Love y'all ❤️❤️

Daddy's baby girl {discounted for a while}Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora