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Jenny's pov
He locked the door of the bathroom , grabbed me by my wrist.bent me over the sink, . He smacked my ass really hard
"This is a reminder that I am the one who is in charge, and you don't raise your voice at me cause if you do it again your punishment will be worse," he said between the hard smacks. I was sobbing my eyes out cause they hurt as hell.
When he was finally done, I got up and went towards the door, not wanting to face Justin. "Where do you think you are going?" I didn't reply so he grabbed my wrist and pulled me . "I asked you a question answer me" "it's non of your business" "I own you so it's my business " I went out of the bathroom and Justin was calling me to come back , but did I listen? Nah.
I drank beer, I know I know, I'm not supposed to do that, but I don't care.
No ones pov
Justin was worried sick about Jenny, he was searching for her . meanwhile, Jenny met a guy, Chris , who actually wanted her for sex.
Ryan was dancing with his little, but stopped When he saw Jenny with Chris , he went after them. Everyone knew Chris, he is a type that likes to use girls , let them love him and give him everything he wants, then leave them. They went to a room , Ryan was outside, trying to listen all he could hear was their moans , when he heard a scream,he knew he shouldn't be sitting there without doing anything so he went inside. To see......
Justin's pov
Oh my god!! What if I lost her ? What if she went outside and someone kidnapped her?! But I searched everywhere. I am done searching for her in the garden .

My phone started ringing , I looked down at my phone it was Ryan, I place the phone on my ear.
R: man why did you leave Jenny?
J: I can't find her
R: well she is inside with me
J: coming
Phone call ended
I ran inside the house, I found Ryan . "Where were you? I was worried sick about you?" I yell at Jenny . She had tears in her eyes. I looked down , to see her.......
The shoutout goes to JB_Justin_Bieber and noor_belieber4
This chapter sucks I know . But I hope you enjoyed reading it and yeah
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What will Justin see? (Answer me)
What do you think Chris and were doing ? (Answer me)
Why did Jenny scream? (Answer me)
Don't forget to vote , comment and follow me for a shoutout.
Bye cupcakes love y'all

 Bye cupcakes love y'all

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