9.9K 1.1K 1.1K

12:00 AM KST

unknown number invited min yoongi, kim taehyung, jeon jungkook, kim namjoon, kim seokjin, jung hoseok, and park jimin to the chat.

unknown number :
i know what you did.

min yoongi :
...whoever it is, please
stop sending me that.

min yoongi :
i haven't done anything.

min yoongi:
and it's kind of scaring

jung hoseok :
you've been getting
those too?

kim taehyung :
is this a scam?

min yoongi :
who...are you guys?

unknown number:
i know what you did.

jeon jungkook :
i don't know you...

jeon jungkook :
please stop...

min yoongi :
i'm going to delete
kakaotalk. then maybe
you won't text me

unknown number :
wrong answer. strike one.

kim namjoon :
what do you mean,
strike one?

unknown number :
three strikes...and you
are out.

jung hoseok :
hello !!! who are you

jung hoseok :
ohmygod, it's you.

jung hoseok :
stop texting me that.

jung hoseok :
i'm going to put you
in spam.

park jimin :
hey...hoseok? as in
the underground
dancer hoseok?

jung hoseok :
um...yes. do i know

park jimin :
oh wow, i'm a fan, i've
seen you in a couple
youtube videos and i
like dancing too.

park jimin :
i just never thought
i'd meet you like this.

jung hoseok :
i'm glad that you like
my dancing haha :)

unknown number:
glad to see that we are
getting along.

min yoongi :
fuck you.

unknown number :
i'd watch my mouth if
i were you, min yoongi.

min yoongi :

jeon jungkook :
please stop.

unknown number :
i'll stop when i want to,
beer boy.

jeon jungkook :
i don't drink

jeon jungkook :

jeon jungkook :
who are you and how
do you know about me?

unknown number :
i never said that you
could ask any questions,
beer boy.

unknown number :
or should i say...murderer?

jeon jungkook :
that...was an accident.

kim seokjin :

unknown number :
i wouldn't talk about this
either...because i know
all of you here...and i
know what you did.

kim seokjin :
...who are you? and
why are you doing
this to us?

unknown number :
it wouldn't be fun if i
told you. and as much as it sucks...only one of you
can know in the end.

kim taehyung :
we haven't done
anything wrong.

unknown number :
think again. this is
purgatory. you will pay
for your sins.

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