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9:09 PM KST

hoseok didn't know how long it had been, walking around with seokjin and all. hoseok didn't know where to go, and felt even more lost without jungkook by his side. he sighed, the pain that he had ignored began to throb again when he realized so; with every step he took, he felt a rush of a burn and the feeling of needle ends prickling at his wound. even though he walked with a limp, he was able to catch up with seokjin's pace. he swallowed hard when they came across a room that hoseok hadn't seen before, after paying his respects to another dead body, specifically yoongi's—he also saw a man named 'taehyung' hanging from the ceiling on the way here.

"i think this was meant for me," seokjin said, his breath hitching out of anxiety. hoseok's heart pounds against his ribcage, as if it was set on breaking his bones from the inside out—he ventured through nevertheless, taking a closer look—he felt his body shudder.

"i-it's a shotgun," hoseok's lips went dry. "but what for?"

seokjin ran his fingers against the glass that encased the gun, and throughout all the complicated-looking strings that hung around the gun, hoseok saw that something—he couldn't exactly tell what—but something was on the trigger, or around it. there was a small peephole on the wooden side of the case, with the barrel and the opening facing the direction of peephole. on the wooden side, a small keyhole could be seen, lined with silver; hoseok wondered who had the time on their hands to make such things.

from what hoseok could tell, ten keys laid in front of it, as it was set on a table—a sticky note was pasted on the surface next to the keys.

with slightly shaking fingers, seokjin reached over and peeled it off, his lips trembling as he read.

"they say cats have nine lives. it seems kind of fitting, for a guy like you who wants to die. foolish. you may be able to dodge death for eight, but nine strikes, and you are out. so, will you get to the vial before your lives run out? a wrong choice, in exchange for a life—quite a bargain, isn't it?"

seokjin turned to hoseok.

hoseok swallowed thickly, the pain in his thigh ebbing away. "i-it's okay," he attempted to assure seokjin, "you'll be okay. i'm here."

"thanks," seokjin gave him a sad smile, his voice quivering in a tinge of fear. seokjin eyed the keys laid out before him; they all looked the same, from what hoseok could tell. with a trembling hand, seokjin reached out, picking the nineth one from his left. hoseok's heart began to beat fast—what if that wasn't the one? what if, what if he...

"dodge eight...nine lives," seokjin muttered to himself. he swallowed, standing a little away from the box, before inserting the key inside the keyhole, his breath growing heavier as he began to turn it, hearing a small click from within the machinery.

in the blink of an eye, the hoseok heard a loud gunshot, before realizing a bullet ensued quickly after, yet seokjin was able to dodge it quick enough. the latch had opened for the vial, but seokjin had moved to the side quick enough to dodge the blast; if seokjin would've been ever a millisecond late, he would've gotten shot in the abdomen, and if he was looking through the peephole, the bullet would've gone straight into his eye.

hoseok's knees felt weak.

hoseok's heart was shaking. he could feel it shudder inside of him—he just wondered how seokjin only looked poker-faced; hoseok was sure that he himself went pale in the face, and if not, the rest of his body. his blood seemed to freeze, and yet...seokjin remained unfazed by the sudden shot. 


"hey. are you okay?"

hoseok jumped in surprise, snapping back from his thoughts; cold sweat began to gather around his forehead and palms. he opened his mouth to reply, but his throat closed up and his mouth went dry.

what surprised hoseok more, though, was seokjin's growing smile.

a/n ;
i had to look up more traps from SAW
and i feel so muCH DISGUST LIKE ! ! !
seriously tho, were the pictures and
gifs really necessary??? like tf in the
search bar i literally typed up 'traps in saw without pics please thanks' but nO like fuck you google

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