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7:36 AM KST

jimin was sweating—and bleeding, of course—bleeding a lot.

he gasped out in pain, tears streaking his cheeks and his sweat dampening his hair and clothes. he gripped onto the side of his stomach, which was gushing out blood.

why? about twenty minutes ago, he had realized that the key had to be somewhere within reach if he was meant to at least have a chance of getting out, alive. so he looked everywhere, and only found a scalpel next to him.

he never would've guessed that the key was inside him.

jimin remembered the words, 'x marks the spot'. when he saw the black 'x' marked on the side of his abdomen...he felt like the world came crashing down on him.

of course, even though he aspired to be a doctor, did not mean that he knew how to cut someone open surgically, nonetheless himself.

jimin moaned out again in pain when he felt the blood trickle down in between his fingers again when he relived the pressure on the wound; it was as if someone lit that part of his body on fire.

the rich red, thick liquid dripped onto the smooth ground below as jimin watched on. he grabbed the scalpel, digging it deeper inside of him as he simultaneously screamed out in indescribable, white-hot pain.

"where the fuck is it?" jimin asked himself between gritted teeth. he could feel his head spin as he looked down at the wound and the blood, wincing and trying not to scream as his vocal chords were too abused already.

the scalpel was probably only two inches in—how far did the sick bastard stick the key in?

his upper lip twitched as he widened the wound to get better access, tears dripping instead of screams. he let out a hoarse groan when he squeezed a finger inside the wound, feeling his own bloody flesh envelope his finger as he felt around for any foreign objects. he felt more disgusted than in pain; it was nearly becoming numb.

his head swayed limply and out of control when he felt something at the end of his fingertip. he was losing too much blood. he had to get out, and he had to call for help. he had to see his father one last time, at least.

jimin's lips parted in pain when he squeezed his fingers in, just a little more, until there was some sort of a grip on the key. he pulled it out slowly, his face contorting in agony.

it popped out with a pathetic 'pop'; the key was so bloody that he couldn't even see the original color of the coating—not that it mattered, anyway.

he did his best to steady his shaking hands, trying to fight off the sudden drowsiness and this heavy feeling. he shoved the key in the collar-like mechanism, twisting it and freeing his neck from the metal. he bent down, choking out as blood spurted from the wound again. he pressed down on the wound with one hand and fit the key in the keyhole of the shackles with the other.

"i'm free," jimin mouthed, his voice no longer audible due to the hoarseness and abuse. he limped forward, seeing that he still had a few minutes to spare. jimin smiled subtly, staggering towards the slightly open door at the corner of the room.

he opened it, only to be greeted by another room, with a lone lamp on a table. jimin got excited when he saw that his phone was on the table, before lunging for it. with a pounding heart, he turned it on, sitting with his back leaning against the wall of the small room.

he pressed in the numbers '911' before pressing the call button, hoping that he didn't slip into sleep before the call went through.

"hello, i'm—"

"this—this is park jimin! i'm calling from an unknown place, i'm badly, badly wounded, and i feel like i've lost too much—"

"—sorry, there seems to be a problem with the network. there is no signal for the call to go through. please try again after—"

jimin's shoulders sagged as he pressed on the end button with the remaining strength he had left. he could feel his eyelids becoming heavier by the second, dark spots beginning to form on the edges of his vision. he shook them away, pressing on a notification on his phone.

unknown number :
congratulations, you are
alive. hopefully, you will
be that way when i come
find you.

unknown number :
but if you bleed out...well,
that's just unfortunate.

unknown number :
jsbr gim fuomh, kozom.
upi eoaa nr zoddrf.
domvrtrau, yjr paf.

jimin sighed, too tired to be angry, too tired to fight back. he just sat there as his energy was drained from him; he could feel the blood continuing to dribble out from his side; his life was being ebbed out. he let out another sigh, letting his eyelids close and letting the darkness pull him in.

he let go.

a/n ;
i was cringing the entire
time i was writing this &
i'm so sorry jimin omggg
know that ily lots okay ):

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