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9:59 PM KST

"i-it was you, wasn't it? it was you all along—now i remember, the tape said that the murderer was within us, and you and i are the only ones left—you, you monster—"

"i'm kind of surprised you didn't figure it out sooner, but it all just made it more amusing to me," seokjin laughed, taking the vial out from the wooden box. "i'm only a little disappointed. don't look so traumatized."

hoseok shook his head with uncertainty, biting the inside of his cheek to suppress the burning from the back of his eyes. he found it suddenly difficult to breathe, and all he could hear clearly was the beating of his heart in his ears, escalating quickly. "this—what gave you the right—what gave you even a possible thought that this—i—"

seokjin sauntered towards him, leaning close to hoseok before smiling, his hand putting a grip on hoseok's injured thigh, causing hoseok to scream out in pain, the tears that he held back beginning to leak out in small amounts. "so says the criminal."

"y-you're fucking crazy," hoseok sputtered, his vision going dark and his voice weak with pain. he grunted when seokjin applied more pressure, but hoseok certainly did not want to give in without a fight. "g-god—"

"looks like you stil have some fight left in you; maybe i didn't work you hard enough," seokjin let out an amused chuckle, gripping it to the point where blood began to seep out and stain his fingers, giving hoseok's wound a slightly disturbing squelching sound. hoseok couldn't even scream out in pain—he would only be wasting his energy—nobody would hear it anyways. instead, with the remaining power he had left, he managed to push seokjin away with his palms on seokjin's chest. hoseok also slightly fell back with the momentum, staggering as he breathed heavily through his mouth, inhaling beginning to get hard for him. with trembling fingers, he shielded his wound, tears leaking from his ducts. his lips quivered, and he couldn't see very well anymore; everything seemed so dark.

"don't put your hands on me," seokjin spat, dusting off his tee as if something filthy had touched it. hoseok sighed in frustration and fear, wanting to give up—there was no point in fighting now—he couldn't do much with an injured leg.

seokjin looked at his wrist, glancing at his watch before smiling. "ah, it's time. so, hoseok, did you ever think of looking up and praying for mercy and forgiveness?"

"w-what?" hoseok narrowed his eyes, his breaths quickening. "what do you mean?"

seokjin smiled, looking up. hoseok followed his line of sight, before sinking the image into his brain. subtle beams of light shone through the plastic cover, which was used to cover up the holes that let the outside air in. hoseok realized it was the cover they used to cover up the manholes for the sewage system.

"what the—"

seokjin smiled.

what a crazy bastard.

"we could've escaped all along," hoseok breathed, his voice thin and waning. "we could've just fucking looked up and saw that there was the...damned exit."

seokjin chortled, his eyes crinkling as he did so, pushing his foot on hoseok's thigh, making hoseok gasp out in pain. seokjin smiled sadistically, rubbing the sole of his shoe deeper and deeper with more force, seeing hoseok's eyes lose focus due to the immense pain. hoseok's lips went dry, wanting to scream out and strangle him.

"you won't be getting up for a while, so i'll trust you to stay put," seokjin smiled again, showing his teeth in glee, "and i want to let you know that you have nothing against me. after all, i've been doing this for years. do you think i'll get caught now? goodbye, hoseok. it's been fun and well."

"you'll pay for this," hoseok gritted his teeth, his vision darkening as he could do nothing to block out the white-hot aching that emitted from his leg. "you'll fucking pay. you're worse than anyone else that your sorry ass brought here."

"pay?" he smirked again, cocking his head to the side. "people who pay are the people who've been caught. if you were going to do such a thing, you should've kept it quiet. don't you think so?"

"this—this is murder."

"it's not murder. i'd like to think of it as...justice."

"n-no, wait, hold on—"

"goodbye, hoseok. so long."

seokjin smiled, pushing hoseok's weak, desperate hand away from his own. through hoseok's hazy vision, he could see seokjin bringing down...was that a ladder? he could hear a dense clunk, but it seemed to echo somewhere far away. hoseok squinted, his dry lips parting as his eyes lazily followed seokjin's figure that was now climbing up the ladder.

seokjin did a slight salute before closing the door, locking the latch, and leaving hoseok to suffocate in the darkness.

a/n ;
this book is not over yet my bbys ! and seokjin here reminds me of a christian cult what is this lol what is this book?? and nothing makes sense i'm so sad this is what happens when you run on 2 hours of sleep i cry

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