Chapter 3:

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All of us were walking down the street minding our own business when Randy's blue mustang came gliding by  and to a halt near us.  Two Bit and Kayla aka K warned us. Randy and Bib got out of the car and their words were slurring. They were drunk as usual. "Marcia,Cherry why are you with these bums?" said Bob annoyed. " Bob I already told you I'm never going out with you when you're drunk and I mean it!" yelled Cherry. "We were not that drunk, come on girls!" slurred Randy visibly holding a flask. " You calm reeling and passing out in the streets not that drunk!" yelled Cherry and Marcia began to worriedly hurry to the car. "Well that doesn't mean you should be with these stupid greasers?" says Randy backing up Bob. "We're not stupid,you are." I replied. "If your looking for a fight, then you got one."stated the socs drunkly. "Maybe we are looking for a fight!" yelled Two bit pulling out his switch and hanging Ponyboy a broken bottle. I had my switch at ready,too. Johnny seemed nervous and K was ready to hit them. "We got two more of us in the back seat." slurred Bob and Randy. "Then pity the back seat!" yelled Two Bit trays for a fight to burst out. Cherry agreed to go with them and the socs left us alone. We all started to head back to our homes. Kayla and Two Bit went to their house and Two said to get drunk and I laughed. Ponyboy,Johnny and I headed to the lot.

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