Chapter 37:

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A/N: I own Jemily and Emily Cade. Moniquian Rose owns Arizona and Parizona. S.E Hinton owns the rest.



" Arizona we got this. Girls are just as tough as guys." Exclaimed Emily as the two girls walked to the vacant lot where the rumble was being held. Dallas and Cherry came up from behind them and said hello to them. " Hey Dal, hey Cherry." Said the two girls in unison. Dallas was fighting in the rumble and Cherry wanted to watch but she couldn't fight nor did she want,too. " You girls ready for a rumble?" Dallas asked his sister and Arizona smirking his signature smirk. " Ready as you are bro!" Emily replied smartly and walked on with Arizona by her side. The four of them walked to the vacant lot for the rumble and chatted. Dallas brought Cherry to the lot safely and made sure she was away from the craziness of the rumble but she could also watch too. Emily and Arizona were the first ones there along with Dallas. The three of them stood in the lot together as Tim Shephard and his outfit came up to us. Tim looked at me and said, " Pleasure to have you on our side, Emily, Hey Arizona are you helping us too?" Arizona nodded and smiled. " So where's ?" Asked one of the shelahrds gang. " I don't know, Jim. Keep your mouth shut!" I told the boy rudely. The rest of the gang began to show up so we waited for the socks to come. " If the fuzz show, bet it out of here ,you girls too!" Said Darry looking at all the greasers. Pony boy looked ready to fight but also upset like Arizona had said. The socks filled the gap of the lot and the fight was even as it could get. Darry and Pual conversed and prepared for the rumble to begin. " Time to rumble!" Yelled Darry and we all got into positions.

Arizona and I got into positions. I grabbed a soc and started beating him left and right. He grabbed my shoulder and tried to pull me down but I punched him in the nose and pinned him to the ground. I held him to the ground with the foot and leg. I used my strength to keep him there. Johnny and Ponyboy were fighting side by side. I wiped my muddy converse on the socs shirt and smirked my signature smirk. The soc got up and went to Tim for more fight. He was muddy now,too. It started to rain but we didn't stop fighting. I grabbed ahold of David, a soc and put him into a chokehold and kept choking him out before punching him in the chest and dropping him to the dirty ground. I shoved three socs to the ground and went to to help Arizona who was struggling to punch two socs. I grabbed one of the socs by the collarbone and pushed him to the ground after kicking him in the shin. Arizona smiled a silent thank you before kicking a stupid soc. Almost all the socs were down. The rumble ended moments later as the socks ran away in fear and defeat. We all yelled loudly that we won and I saw everyone but Arizona. Cherry and Dallas kissed for the winner celebration. I looked around for Arizona and saw a barely lifeless,bloody mass near Ponyboy. Arizona was being helped by Pony and yelling at him for touching her. I went over and grabbed Arizona and quickly brought her to the secret place where I parked my red truck. I helped her into the passenger seat and drove her to the hospital followed by Dallas and Cherry in Bucks tbird.

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