Eyes Locked (NCT - Taeyong)

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Lee Taeyong, the kind of guy who looks fierce and burning with passion when you see him from afar, but once you truly get to know him you see the soft sensitive side he has. A side he doesn't show off at many people. Afraid to get hurt, to receive hate for being 'soft'.

It's true that he had a rough time, after his debut people brought up all the bad things he did as a kid, expecting him to be the same person he was years ago- not realise that people grow up, that people can actually change.

But through all the hardships there was one thing that kept him going, dance.

That how he met her, someone who changed his life in a good way- who made him try harder to be a better guy, a better person.

He was dressed in all black, a mask covering his mouth, big glasses hiding his eyes along with a black snapback- it was to not draw attention to himself, however the opposite happened- people all stared at him. For one because he was all dressed in black with limited access to his face and second was because two other guys in the same fashion walked next to him. From an outsiders point it might have looked like these guys were in a gang.

"Hyung, people are all staring at us" the younger said, looking around to see bystanders gawking at them, "it's a little uncomfortable" he continued.

The tallest among them snickered as he put his arm around the younger ones shoulders, "ah Mark, it would have been more logic that you got used to people staring at us- you know what I mean".

The younger one, Mark, nodded as he continued to follow his hyungs.

There was a place where Taeyong wanted to go to, it was the first time he saw her.

She was sitting on a bench while reading a book, occasionally taking a sip of her bubble tea. She actually took his breath away- and he loved every second of that moment. However it ended to soon as he was dragged away by the members.

"I do wonder why we are here again" the taller one questioned as he scanned their surroundings. "last time we were here hyung spaced out, remember" he snickers as he gently slapped Mark's back. "it took four of us to drag him away, I remember Taeil hyung complaining about it later that night".

However Mark stayed quiet, he low key knew what his hyung was staring at.

He saw her too, sitting there without a care in the world, how she brushed her hair behind her ear and the soft giggles that came from her mouth. He understood why his hyung was taken aback by her.

That's why he was glad too see that she was sitting there at the same bench as last time, this time reading a different book along with a different flavor of bubble tea. She was smiling while taking in the writing of the book.

"Why did we stop walking".

Mark glanced at Taeyong who was frozen on the spot, it seems that he saw her too. He took his glasses off while blindly giving the taller one his wallet.

"You two get some coffee, I'll wait here for you guys".

The two raised their eyebrows as they saw Taeyong taking a seat at one of the picnic tables- not too far from the girl, but close enough to hear her giggle. However Mark just shrugged it off, dragging his other hyung with him to the nearest cafe.

Taeyong took his phone out of his pocket, pretending he was reading something with an intense look, while he was actually looking at the mysterious girl again. To him she was too beautiful to sit alone- but it would have been weird if he suddenly took a seat next to her, he could scare her off.

He leaned back in his chair with his eyes closed before looking at her again. Only this time he met her eyes, their eyes locked as Taeyong started to feel his cheeks heat up- luckily they were mostly covered by his face mask. He tried to casually sit up but failed miserably since he accidentally kicked the leg of his chair in the process- causing him to fall on his butt.

Embarrassed he lowered his head while pulling his snapback further over his face. He had hoped that she didn't see it and would continue her reading, however she did see it. A soft chuckle escaped her mouth as she saw the boy sitting on the floor with his head in his hands, his snapback covering his face in embarrassment.

She closed her book and picked up her drink before getting up.

From the corner of his eyes he saw her leaving, a heavy sigh leaving escaping his mouth. He had hoped their next encounter would have gone more smoothly then him falling on his butt.

"Aigoo, you're an idiot" he muttered to himself, not ready to stand up yet.

He noticed someone standing next to him, expecting it was one of his two deongsaengs who came back with his coffee order. However he was caught off guard when suddenly his snapback was removed from his head.

Startled he looked up into her dark brown eyes- that seemed to sparkle with interest.

It was the girl from before, the girl who saw him falling off his chair. She had a gentle smile as she extended her hand to him, "are you okay".

He only nodded, afraid his voice would crack- embarrassing himself further.

"I'm glad to hear that, because I saw you fall off your chair but you didn't get up so I was afraid you got hurt somewhere".

Her voice sounds sincere, a hint of worry in it.

It made him smile when he realised that the girl who was occupying his mind was actually talking to him right now. The whole reason why was not exactly like planned, but he did it.

"No I'm okay" he answered her with a shy smile.

The girl nodded her head, taking a seat at his table- causing Taeyong to carefully take a seat as well. "I'm Taeyong" he said introducing himself to her.

She smiled, "I'm Sneha, it's nice to finally meet you" she said.

A light blush covered his cheeks once again as he had the feeling that she knew that he was staring at her earlier. He had hoped to not attract any attention but he sadly failed.

She on the other hand tried to stay calm even though Taeyong's low voice had an effect on her, she felt weak in her knees when she heard him talk.

"Sneha, I'm being bold here for a moment before I lose my confidence again", Taeyong started, trying his hardest to complete his sentence. "But would you like to get some bubble tea with me sometime, it's my treat".

Sneha was taken back by his suddenly question- trying her hardest without stuttering. "Yes I'd love too".

Taeyong smiled at her as he handed his phone to her, "can I get your number to, you know- talk about a time and date".

She smiled as she accepted his phone with her number.

From afar his deongsaengs were looking at their hyung talking to the girl. The tall one slightly confused while Mark only smiled at them. "He finally did it".


Hi it's been a while since I wrote a one shot and years since I last wrote in the third person, so I wonder if it's any good. Anyway I hoped you guys liked this. It was a little scenario I came up with, special thanks to my unnie's for inspiring me ^^/ Love Liek



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