| Steal Your Heart | Boys24 - Hwang Inho |

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She was stretching her arms as she walked through the empty hallway. Summer was coming since the weather outside was getting warmer each day, but unlike the rest of the school she preferred to stay inside- to be more specific in the gym.

During winter times, guys would stay inside and play basketball until lunch was over. But right now it was quiet, so quiet that you could hear a pin drop. That's the reason why she went there.

At least she was expecting it to be empty, but once she stood in the gym she saw a guy playing basketball. He was too focused with throwing the ball through the hoop to notice that she was standing there.

That's why she hid behind a wall.

Of course she was curious on why he was here inside instead of playing basketball with the other guys outside, maybe he needed some alone time as well. It was when he turned around to pick up the ball that she realized who it was. 

Shocked she put her hands in front of her mouth, but it was too late. Her loud sigh was heard by the guy.

"Who's there" she heard him say out loud.

She kept her mouth covered while staying behind the wall, in the hope that he wouldn't realize that she was hiding behind the wall. Not that she was worried that he would find her, it was not a crime to go to the gym to begin with- also she has a feeling that he doesn't even know who she is.

His footsteps came closer and closer to where she was hiding, making her hold her breath to be as quiet as she possibly can.

"I guess no one is here" she heard him say again.

Feeling relieved she let out another sigh before realizing that she didn't hear him walk away yet- which only meant that he was still close.

Panic filled her body as she tried to run away but she couldn't, it was as if something was holding her back.

"I found you, little mouse".

Her eyes widened in shock as she looked behind her, now realizing why she couldn't run away. He was holding onto her wrist to prevent her from getting away.

When she looked into his eyes she noticed how his eyes softened when looking at her. She had no idea why he was looking at her like that, and of course she was curious on why.

"Eh I know I'm not tall but I'm not little, nor a mouse" she told him, trying her best to sound confident and not scared.

"Of course I know that" he said with a little stutter as he looked away from her gaze, "it's only because I heard someone but no one answered me so, yeah".

"I just saw you play, and I didn't want to disturb you. That's why I didn't say anything", she looked past him and saw the orange ball laying there.

He followed her gaze, realizing that she was looking at the ball. It gave him a little idea.

"Then would you like to play, I mean since you're here already".

Seeing no reason why to object she just nodded, "sure Inho but I won't go easy on you", and with that she ran towards the ball, leaving the blonde haired boy behind with an confused facial expression.

Inho smiled as he shook his head softly, that was something he didn't see coming. But a part of him was liking it. Right of the bat he knew that she is different then the other girls in their school, and to him it's a good thing.

"Are you coming? or are you scared" she called out to him tauntingly. 

She wouldn't go easy on him, but so would he.

When he was facing her in front of the basketball hoop, he realized how he had an advantage. The girl in front of him was at least a head shorter if not more, she would have to jump to reach the hoop.

 A soft chuckle escaped from his lips as he was imagining that very scenario in his head.

"Yah let's play" she yelled at him as she tried to dash past him towards the hoop.

But he didn't let her, he swiftly moved so he was standing in front of her again with a charming smile. He noticed her little pink cheeks before she shook her head and just went with it.

Unfortunately he caught the ball before it could get close to the basket.

Inho heard her curse softly, which made him chuckle again. 

"Try again" he told her as he threw the ball back at her.

She raised her eyebrow but just let it go.

Of course she realized that she was making a fool out of herself but trying to beat a taller guy with basketball- not to forget that he is part of the basketball team.

"Be prepared then" she told him as she tried to pull off a swift movement, only tripping over her own feet.

She was preparing herself for the fall with her eyes closed- expecting to hit the hard floor. However the impact was a lot softer then she had expected.

"Ugh my back" Inho said softly.

That caught her attention as she opened her eyes, seeing why her fall was so soft.

After tripping over her own feet, she bumped into Inho who wasn't expecting her to fall- causing them to fall. More specifically, causing her to fall onto him.

"Oh my God, I'm so sorry" she yelled as she quickly got off him, her hands in her hair as she saw how Inho kept laying there.

"Strawberries" Inho softly whispered, talking about how she smelled- luckily she didn't hear him.

He had his hand in his hair as he tried to process what just happened. He had seen her trip over her own feet which made her close her eyes, that's why he quickly tried to pull her in his embrace to prevent her from falling. However he couldn't keep his balance either.

"Hwang Inho" she yelled to wake him up from his train of thoughts, her hands on her cheeks.

He looked at her confused, not fully realizing why she was yelling.

"Here let me get you up" she told him as she removed her hands from her cheeks.

Inho immediately realized that she was blushing, and he liked to see her this way.

However a different idea popped into his head, causing him to smile mischievously.

When he took her hand in his to help him up, he instead pulled her down back onto him. Which he regretted for a moment when he felt the impact of her body on his. But in the end it was worth it.

"What are you doing" she asked flustered.

"Something I should have done a long time ago".

With that he softly pressed his lips onto hers.

Even though she was shocked at first, she quickly gave in. Feeling relieved to find out he feels the same way about her.

 Feeling relieved to find out he feels the same way about her

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