| Library | Boys24 - Oh Jinseok |

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She had always wondered what his deal was- he seemed like your typical bad boy. Always dressed in ripped jeans along with his black leather jacket- a jawline that could cut paper along with his usual poker face. He's also someone she rarely saw talking to other people, he seemed closed- someone you can't approach.

But on the other hand, she knows not to judge a book by it's cover, especially when the cover looks complicated.

Just like any other day, he was sitting in the library. His head almost buried in a book, or it seemed like a book. She couldn't really see the cover of the book he was reading since he placed it on the table. So there she stood only a few meters away from him, scared that he would tell her off- that she can't sit with him.

However today she felt a little more heroic then other days. She then decided it was all crap to act scared, while she never even talked to him before- so she didn't even know why she was so scared to approach him in the first place. It still seems unlogical to act like this before getting to know him.

With light footsteps she approached his table- setting down her books a few chairs away from him, before sitting down. She didn't dare to look the other direction- to see if he was looking at her.


Feeling confused she looked up, glancing around to see if he was talking to her or to someone else. But she really is the only one around the guy.

"Oh hi" she replies shyly.

She then got back to reading her book, not knowing if she should continue the conversation.

"What are you reading" he continues, placing his hand between the pages so he doesn't have to search for where he stopped reading.

With a little smile she lifted her book so he could see the cover, "the Mazerunner, it's a really good book, you should try it" she tells him, trying to convince him to read her book.

He smiled as he picked up his book, walking towards the chair across of her.

"Well to be honest I'm just here to read the comics, hi I'm Jinseok" he told her with a big smile, one that she had not expected to come from him. But she likes to see him more smiley then as someone who's considered a bad boy.

She was just about to introduce herself but he stopped her, "I know who you are, you're in most of my classes"

"But if you are in most of my classes, why did you introduce yourself to me" she asked him with a smile.

He let out a soft chuckle, "you're right, that wasn't necessary", tapping his finger on the table he started at her while she was trying to read her book. "but I just thought I  needed to introduce myself since we haven't talked before".

"Well, yeah that's true. This really is the first time we talk".

Jinseok nods.

"I know exactly why, I don't look that approachable in class" Jinseok said with a soft smile, glancing down at his book. "But you know it's the same shit everyone says, it's hard to open up when you're a transfer student. However it doesn't apply to me, I didn't want to get close to people in the hope I would move back home".

She noticed the sad look on his face, knowing that he didn't want to be here. Not in this city he is living in now, his heart belong somewhere else.

"You want to go back right? Back to your old live, with your old friends" she asked him.

The nod he gave her was more then enough information for her, it only made her want to befriend him even more. He seems like a nice guy who is just going through a hard time, so maybe she could make him love this town as much as she does.

She have him a smile as she leaned forward to touch him arm as a way to comfort him, however that was the moment she saw what book he was reading.

"Are you reading a manga".

Jinseok's immediately looked up to face her.

He was low key shocked that she saw the inside of his book, or rather the inside of the manga he's reading. It wasn't a secret that he loves to read manga's and watch anime's, it's just that no one knew yet at their school.

"Yeah it is" he confessed shyly, afraid of how she would react.

"Well my favourite is Ouran, or well full name Ouran High School Host Club" she said with a chuckle, "I like the humor in it, it never fails to make me smile".

Jinseok started to smile, his eyes twinkling of joy.

"Yes I know them, I'm an Otaku as they call me back home" he told her proudly.

"Then if you're an Otaku then you have to tell me what anime to watch".

He gave her a nod, feeling relieved that she likes anime's just as much as he does- or maybe he likes them more then her, but it's all about the idea.

"I could show you my collection, show you a few of my favorite anime's" Jinseok suggested, "it could be our.. little date".

Afterwards he looked away, he couldn't believe that he just suggested all of that. To a girl who he had never talked to before.

However she was more calm then him.

Her cheeks had a soft pink color when his words sunk in, "sure, it's a date".

He looked up confused, he couldn't believe that she had just said yes to his suggestion.

A part of him was afraid that she would say no, feel awkward and walk away. That this was his first and last conversation with her. But he felt relieved when it didn't turn out that way, and now he even had a date against all the odds.

"I promise you won't regret it " he told her with a smile.

"I promise you won't regret it " he told her with a smile

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