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"Oh gosh,OH GOSH!" you say as you try to though together a outfit in 20 Minutes!!

You manage to throw on a cute dress and some make up before you hear a knock on the door.

"Coming!" you say as you check yourself in the mirror one more time.

Here we go! You think as you open the door. Mark stands there in the door way. He is in different clothes then what he was at the con, dresser clothes this time.you smile knowing that you didn't over dress.

"Shall we go?" he asks.

"S-Sure!" you say nervously.

He walks you down to his car and opens the passenger door for you. You get inside, still a little unsure as to why he was doing this. He gets in the drivers seat there's  a moment or to of awkward silence before you spoke.

"I-Is this a normal thing you?"

"What? No, i just want to know what you meant and kinda wanted to get to know you." 

"Oh..." You say not sure if you were disappointed or reassured by this.

"heh, i never got your name?"  

"Oh! Its [r/n]." Stupid!! You never gave him your name! ugg!!

"[r/n] , that's a lovely name!" He says.

"Thank you." You say with a smile. "By the way... Where are we going?"

"Oh, I was thinking we would go to this new Italian place." 

"Ooo, sounds good"

"So where you from?" He Asks.

"I'm from [Town]."

"Wow, [Town], that's far away."


"And you came all that way to meet me!"



--------------Time Skip to the Restaurant -----------

You look at the menu viewing the food and wondering, not about the food, but about what you will answer when he asks about what you said at the con. Should  I tell him? Should I lie? What will he think? Will he find it creepy? Sad? I think... I should tell him. But what if-

"What are you getting?" He asks bringing you out of you trace.

"umm... I'll get what your getting." You say putting the menu down.

"Got it!"

You'll Never be Alone (Markiplier X reader Fanfic) [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now