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You weren't sure how long it had been till a doctor came to you his face not telling you the answers you needed to know.

"Are you Marks fiance?" He asked

"Yes" You lied.  

"Well things aren't looking up, as you might have heard."He says,"We managed to stop the internal bleeding, but its at the point where any extra stress on his lungs could end....badly.."

"May I see him?!" You ask almost begging.

" anyone else I would say no, but I think you deserve to see him," He says,"I mean I dont know what I would do if this happened to my wife..."

He fade off then shook his head a bit before directing his attention to you again.

"Anyway... I have a nurse help you scrub in and take you to him."He says with a reassuring smile.

A nurse comes and takes you to a small room where you have to put on practically a full set of blue and a hair net. Why blue?  You wonder as the nurse leads you though a few white hallways to a door witch she stops in front of.

"Some one will get you if you have to leave, and I don't think you'll be leaving before then?"She says with another reassuring smile.

"Ok" You say almost absentmindedly.

She opens the door for you and you and you step inside. Seeing Mark laying on a bed in the middle of a small room. He's asleep. You walk over to him slowly, looking at all the different stuff that was attached to him. There was tubes going from his arm to a machine next to him. His leg was in a cast and his chest was completely rapped in several different bandages. You sit in the chair next to him. 

"Hey..." You say, "I'm here...I'm not gonna leave..."

You looked at his face.

"I....I love you,"You say," I'm never gonna doubt that again..."

You weren't one to talk without an answer.

You sigh. What do you say?  Do you apologize? Or is it really your fault? You weren't sure. Maybe I don't have to talk. You think.Maybe I can sing? You think about this for a moment. You think you will.

As you finish your song you look over to him, almost hoping. He doesn't even move. What where you expecting?!  

You sigh and look down. What were you expecting? 

You look round the room. On the bed side table laid his glasses. You pick them up. There broken.

You look out the small window. There wasn't much of a view.

"[r/n]?" His voice came faint like a whisper.

You spun around. 

"Mark!!? I'm here! I'm here!" You run to his side putting your hand on his.

"[r/n]," He spoke again,"I...I love y-"

He stopped.

"Mark?" You say concerned.

Suddenly the machine next to him that was keeping track of his heart rate went crazy the steady beat getting faster, then...


To Be Continued. . .

Word Count:496

(hahaha you will have to wait to find out what happens! ;3)

You'll Never be Alone (Markiplier X reader Fanfic) [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now