Beginnings and Ends

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The car pulls up the drive way.

"Alright! Lets get to work on that youtube channel!" Mark says as he opened the car door for you,again.

"Yeah!" You say as you head into the house.

Mark sits on the couch and motions for you to sit as well. You sit next to him,

"I don't even know how youtube works? Like how do you get money from it?" You ask.

"Well in order to make money you have to set it up to run adds.", he says," And to do that you have to first enable your channel for monetization, then you would-" (idk what that means i just googled it)

The night went on as he help you set your youtube channel, then recorded a few videos with you, letting use so of his old recording equipment.

You weren't aware of how late it had gotten when you finish uploading you first video.

"I did It!!!" You said to mark how was on the couch behind you.

There was no answer, " Mark?" you say turning around to see Mark fast asleep on the couch. You look at the time 2:38 A.M. Oh , no wonder his asleep. You look at him, seeing him like that reminded you of the other Mark. The Mark you had spent a year of your life with. The Mark that wasn't real. You had been pushing those memories back ever since you saw his face. You think now would be a good time to remember.

------flash backs-----

Looking for it you open a few drawers from your dresser. You cover your mouth,your brothers watch. Grieve can come at the strangest times. You begin to sob as the memories come flooding into your mind. Marks arms are around you and you bury yourself in his embrace. His hands stroke your hair. You look up into his deep brown eyes. What would you do without him?


"Omg I forgot to to tell you!"she says," I found THE BEST YouTuber last night.

"Really? Who?" You ask.

"His names Markiplier, he dose the BEST game play videos"

A big smile creeps onto your face she hasn't figured it out yet!? You figure you'll play along for a bit.

"Oh, really?!"you say.


"You've meet my boyfriend,right?"

"Well no, actually" she says, " You've talked about him before though, his names Mark,right?"


"Where?"she says

"Huh?" you say, "He was right in front of you!?"

She turned around again scanning that whole side of the kitchen.Oh come on his right in front of you! Your not that blind!! You look at Mark who's face was just as confused as you are. You had to do something! You stood up and walked over to Mark putting your arm around him.

"You see him now!!" You say She must be playing some weird joke.

She paused for a moment look at you then at the boy in your arms then back to you.

"...There's....there's no one there??"She says.


"You-you where never real?" You ask trying to get control of your breathing.

Mark didn't answer... You weren't expecting him to... You just stared into those big,deep,brown eyes. He toughs his arms around you and you willing take the embrace.

You wish that moment could last forever.





"Good bye."

-------end of flash backs-----

You feel tears fall down your face. You look at Mark. Except this time, you don't see the kind YouTuber that let you spend the day with him, you see the man who was never real. You begin to doubt every thing. this past few days where they even real? Who would do that? just at the drop of a hat have dinner with someone he doesn't even know the name of.

No. This couldn't be true.

You couldn't be here any more. You grab your belongs. write a note and leave, not looking back.

To Be Continued. . .

( Wow we got a plot twist going on here! With more to come! Hope you all enjoy! Buh-byyye!!)

You'll Never be Alone (Markiplier X reader Fanfic) [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now