Small Disasters

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Stood next to Mark at his booth. You watch fan,after fan, come and go. You watch the crowds of people, each person sticking to there own group. You where beginning to like this job, of being a security guard, even though you weren't a real one and its wasn't a real job. You simply enjoyed watching the people, coming and going. You looked to David who was on the other side of Mark. He gives you a smile, then looks at his watch. He leaned forward and said something to Mark,

"Fifteen till three, I'll let them know." Fifteen till? Was it really that late !  

David moved around the booth to the line, that seemed to be infinite.

"You guys got fifteen minutes till Mark has to go! He might not get to all of you! Especially you guys in the back!" David announced to the line, causing a few people to leave right then, the disappointment clear on there faces.

You felt bad for then. What would you had done if you hadn't gotten to see Mark in the first place. But he can't see them all, that would be impossible.  

As the minutes go by the line dissipates, as most give up on seeing Mark, but a few stay hopeful that they'll be of the last to see him. It isn't long before 3:00 rolls around and Mark signs the last autograph of the day.

"Sorry guys! That's all for today!" David yells and most of the last of the line leaves. David beginnings to shoe off the last of the line as Mark begins to pick up his many gifts from the table placing them in bags to take home. You help Mark, But a struggle becomes evident between David and a blonde girl from the crowd.

"-look I'm sorry, but you have to go. Mark can't see anyone else." David explained.

"BUT I'VE WAITED HOURS! HE'S RIGHT THERE!!! JUST LET ME SEE HIM!!" She protested, refusing to move from her spot next to the booth.

Mark didn't look up from his work, though it was obvious he was listening. You stood there trying to work out whether or not you should help.

"-NO I'M NOT MOVING!!!" She yelled causing quite the commotion.

"Mam, you cant see him, I'm sorry."David tried again.

You figure it would be best to get Mark out of here. You look over to him. There was one more piece of fanart sitting on the far end of the desk,Mark was already reaching for it probably having the  same idea as you. 

"-NO!!!" The blonde shouted as she pushed past David, grabbing on to Marks arm, hard.

"Aaaaah" Mark  jumped back, but her grip only strengthened.  

"PLEASE!!" She yelled!

"Aaaaah!" Mark yelled again grabbing his arm with his other hand yanking it out of her reach.

David accompanied by several other security guards came and pulled her back.

You'll Never be Alone (Markiplier X reader Fanfic) [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now