Authors Notes.

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I like to do a story recap in these things just so we can go back a remember all those lovely chapters.


You start off right where the first book stops as you walk away from Marks table at Vid con. You take the autograph back to your hotel room where you notice a phone number on a sticky note on the back. Curious, you call it to find that its Mark on the other end. You find out that you getting the number was a mistake, but Mark wants to know why you said something at the con. So you and him go to dinner, and during diner you tell him your story. (aka book 1) This is when Mark takes a interest in you and invites you to ice cream  afterwards. He finds out you've always  wanted to start a Youtube channel and offers to help you get started. He invites you to the con with him the next day and you join him there where you meet Jack. You and Mark go to a sighing were a fangirl incident occurs. This causes you Jack and Mark to get stuck in a lobby for a few hours. You guys talk the whole time. When you finally get back to Marks house you get started on your Youtube channel. You work on this until late in the night when you find Mark asleep on the couch. This reminds you of all the events of book 1 and all at once you dought if its even real. The next chapter is from Marks pov and he finds a note by you telling him that you are leaving. Mark desperately tries to stop you and fails. When you leave you are filled with regret over the decision you have made. Meanwhile Mark is driving to clear his head, and isn't exactly looking at the road. He gets in a car crash, and when you finally call him the call is answered by a frantic bystander who found Marks car on the side of the road. You use the assistance  of Twitter to get on a plane to L.A. On the flight The other Mark comes back, except this time he is not a comfort, he's your worry for the real Mark. You get to the hospital and after a long wait you get to see Mark. A few minutes of you talking/singing to him later and Mark speaks. Almost though the words "I love you too" His heart stops and you fall into the arms of the other Mark. You want to take in a fake reality with him, But are forced to face the fact that: That wouldn't be real, and it wouldn't be Mark. So you push him away and tell yourself that no matter how much you want it you wont give in to something that's not real. The fake Mark disappears and the real Marks heart starts again. And at last we make it to the final chapter where Mark asks You to live with him and you gladly except. Mark drops the title of the book and you reached the end.

And I hope you enjoyed.


On to the next thing!


This was manly inspired by music..

Little do you Know 

Don't You Worry Child




I like to keep my books as close to fact as possible. So yes I did do research for a few of these chapters, Like when there were at vid con, all of that is based of of things that have happened to me, as an actor and director to a few plays,in the craziness back stage, as well as what footage I could find of back stage at vidcon. :] 


Info about next book.

I love writing this series and I plan to make it as long as possible. So, yes there will be a third book, but its actually gonna go like this: 1 2 2.5 3.. There will be a small, few chapter book in between book 2 and 3 just for the fun of it. I'll  put a reading list on my channel in if you guys want to share the book. Witch pls do share it with everyone you know! That is much appreciated! :]

Though between now and the 3rd book I'm going  to finish up a few books without ends on my channel. Such as: Chains, and Trip of a life time. Yes Chains is canceled but I will be adding one more chapter to tell you guys how it ends. ;] And Trip of a Life Time will be finished, Though unless it gets a lot of attention, will not have a second book.


Thanks for reading!

Word Count: 787

Love you guys, Buh-bye!

You'll Never be Alone (Markiplier X reader Fanfic) [Book 2]Where stories live. Discover now