Chapter 16

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"How did you get in here?" I asked the man standing in front of me.

"Aren't you going to invite your dear old dad in?" he asked me.

Shaking off my shock I attempted to slam the door in my dad's face. How in the world did he find me, much less get in the dorm's hallway. I thought only those with abilities could find the campus. Does this mean he has a special ability like I do? My dad pushed one black booted foot between the door, and frame. I pushed against the door harder, but he overpowered me and walked into my dorm.

"Did you think you could escape me Adena?" he asked. It was then that I noticed the purplish, deep red burns across his left arm. "Did you think you could do this to me, and get away with it?" He asked me again menacingly. Turning away from me I gasped in horror. The whole left side of his scalp and neck was also badly burned, and crusty with yellow secretions.

"I'm sorry." I murmured. I looked around for something nearby I could use as a weapon. There was nothing on the side tables but framed photographs. Maybe I could bust one open and use the glass inside as a knife. My dad turned around quickly and advanced upon me smelling of burned flesh, and ointment.

"You've made me into a monster. My own son can't look at me without crying, and shrieking for you Adena. I use to be his hero, and now I'm his nightmare. You have destroyed me. Just like you destroyed your mom. I was your savior. I took you in after the fire... I clothed you, and fed you. This is how you repay me? By burning me, and turning my own son against me?"

Oh no, my dad has seen Danny since the fire. Please God let Danny be okay I thought. I can't believe he blames me for my mother's death. I didn't catch the house on fire that night... I didn't kill my mom. How dare he say I did I raged mentally officially getting pissed off.

"You were never my savior" I shouted at him walking backward to put some space between us. "You have always been a monster in my eyes. Danny may have thought you were a good guy because he's just a kid, but one day when he grew up he'd realize you are a pathetic excuse for a man. How dare you accuse me of killing my mother. I was just a kid, and asleep when our house caught on fire." I screamed at him. I started to feel a warm tingling sensation in my chest.

"You ungrateful bitch. I will kill you" he hollered as he threw himself toward me. I scrambled backwards stumbling on the rug just as he wrapped his hands around my neck. In attempt to stop him from strangling me I kicked him in his shins, and tried to claw his hands from around my neck. I couldn't breathe.

Oh God this is how I'm going to die I thought.


My chest exploded, and veins began sing. I could breathe again. My dad screamed, and fell backwards on the carpet. His hands were on fire. He rolled in a desperate attempt to stop his hands from burning. I sucked air into my deprived lungs as I watched my dad cradle his hands on the floor.

"Get out" I croaked. I felt like I was floating. I looked down at my feet, and I realized I was. I was once again cocooned by a ring of fire. I was actually levitating a few inches off the floor.

My dad was now up on his knees, with tears streaming down his face. I could see the agony in his face as he moved his burned appendages behind him. I felt guilty, and pity for him. He was my father after all.

With jerky movements he pulls a small black pistol from behind his back, and fires at me without warning.

I try to run, as the bullet hits my right thigh

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I try to run, as the bullet hits my right thigh. He fires again, and everything fades to darkness. My last thought was a prayer to God to protect me.


Author's note: Guys, I was planning on finishing this story last year. Instead of posting little chapters, I had hoped to finish it all in a word document and upload everything at the same time. Unfortunately those plans didn't quite work out. My cat demolished my laptop, by pulling it off the table while it was charging. So I haven't wrote anything for this story since I lost all my work. I am on Wattpad frequently reading so I do see your comments. I honestly didn't think anyone would be interested in this story so I didn't worry about updating it. I work full time, and go to school so I can't promise anything but I will try and update on a regular basis if you guys are still interested in this story. Thanks for all the comments, and votes. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2016 ⏰

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