Chapter 7

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Chapter 7 

The lump in the middle of my bed was Zeke. His left eye was swelling, he'd probably have a black eye in a few hours. I don't how I feel about Zeke. My emotions ranged from anger to attraction. It suddenly hit me that Zeke shouldn't be sleeping. The doctor emphasized waking him up every few hours because of his concussion. After all that's why how he lured me here... Hmm... I think revenge is best served cold. I ran into the restroom and poured a small bit of Listerine into the cap. I walked back into the room and poured the liquid slowly into Zeke's mouth. Anyone who's ever used Listerine knows that when it hits your gums it burns like the dickens. Zeke quickly set up coughing. I jumped back off the bed away from him.  

"Rise and shine sleeping beauty." I said.  

"Adena! Are you trying to kill me? You never pour liquid into an unconscious person's mouth!" 

"I WAS trying to kill you! You're an ass of the highest degree! Why would your trick me into coming here? Haven't I dealt with enough today?" I said crossing my arms and leaning against the door frame.  

His green eyes softened as he said, "Adena I swear I didn't know how they were going to bring you in like this. I thought they'd ease you into the whole super powers bit. I'm sorry."  

"Zeke I'm so mad and confused right now. I don't understand about any of this. I'm exhausted, hungry, worried, and pissed off." I said almost in tears.  

"Adena, I swear I'm so sorry all of this is happening to you today. Why don't you take a small nap while I cook us so supper. Your frig should be stocked with all the essentials for grilled cheeses and soup. I'll call you when it's done." Zeke said walking to the door.  

"I guess that's okay. Do you know where I can get a set of clean clothes? I want to shower and get out of these sooty clothes. They smell like smoke." 

"Oh, just check your closet and dresser. Everything should be your correct size. They take good care of us here." He said walking out the door.  

I walked over to the chest of draws and opened it. Inside was clean panties and bras all in my size. I pulled a pair out. Pulling open a few more drawers I found some gray sweat pants and a soft cotton tee. Walking into the bathroom, I pulled my clothes off and started the water. Stepping under the hot spray of water, I started thinking about all the things that has happened to me today. I wonder where my dad is, and if he realized I'm the one to blame for the fire. I still can't believe I can start a fire with nothing but my hands or body or however I "wield" fire. Did I start the fire all those years ago... No, I was just a little kid. There's no way I started that fire. I pushed the thought away. What kind of college is this anyway? They're basically kidnapping me. I mean kinda. This place is way better than anywhere else I ever lived. It seems like they're trying to help... Well at least Zeke seems sincere. I turned off the water, dried off and got dressed. I walked out of the bathroom and immediately smelled something burning. I rushed down the small hallway to the only room I hadn't explored. Bingo, it's the kitchen. Standing in the small kitchenette nook Zeke was holding a frying pan with a charred grilled cheese in it.  

"Oops!" He said looking a chargrined.  

I giggled. "It's okay Zeke. How about we just eat cereal" I said spying the box of frosted flakes on the top of the refrigerator. "I'll grab the cereal and milk. You grab the bowl and spoons." I walked back out into the living room and dining area. We sat down at the table and poured our bowls of cereal.  

"So I'm guessing you have a million questions for me. How about we play 20 questions. I'll give you an answer for a question and vicea versa. Okay?" He said.  

I finished chewing my mouth of cereal and cleared my throat. "Okay. I'll go first. What is this place?" 

"It's a college for the gifted and talented. You can actually earn a degree in pretty much anything here. Its legitement and accredited. To the outside world it's a prestigious, private college. On the inside its much more. Everyone that attends here or teaches here has a special ability. Whether it be fire wielding like you or extreme speed like Zinger who you met earlier. Basically, the college allows you to earn your bachelors and learn how to control your ability. Their hope is that you would use your ability to the good of man kind, but they allow you to make your own decision. My turn. What is your favorite color?" he said.  

"Purple. What do you mean use your ability to help mankind?" 

"Well." He said pushing his empty bowl away from him. "Have you ever seen on the news the miraculous things like people dead lifting cars off strangers or pulling people from the 64th floor of a burning building? Chances are those are our alumni. People who have graduated here, living a normal life with the only exception they help anyone in need. They listen out for trouble in whatever city or town they're living in. When trouble arises they do what they can to save people. Basically modern day superheroes. No one is forcing you to do that though Adena. These people choose for themselves to help others. Once you graduate you can live a completely normal life with an added special ability." 

"So, you're saying this is basically a college for super heroes? This all sounds very crazy. I don't understand why they think I have a super power. This doesn't seem much like a super power. It seems more like a curse. I literally start fires." I said starting to cry a little. "I can't help it." 

Zeke moved around the table, pulling me up to him in a hug. "Shhhh. It's okay sweetie." He said trying to comfort me. We moved around to the couch. I clung to him like a monkey. The day finally caught up to me. It was just so much to process. I understood what he was saying, but I didn't know what to think of it. Wiping my tears, I looked up at him. "How do I pay for this? I planned on working through college to pay for my tuition to Brown, but I have a feeling I won't be allowed to do that here." I asked.  

Zeke laughed a little wiping the moisture from my cheek. "Adena, you are one of a kind. The school actually pays you a small allowance just to be here attending classes. You won't be charged anything. If you want to get a job outside of classes you can. You're not a prisoner here. Just look at this as a special college with all expenses paid. All you have to worry about it getting a good grades."  

"This is like a dream. Can my friend attend here? We were planning on being flat mates." I asked sitting up a little straighter trying to separate myself from him. I feel a little embarrassed for breaking down in front of him like I did.  

"Unfortunately not, unless she has a special power like you. There are very few rules here, but one of them is sworn secrecy about our powers. You cannot tell anyone about your special powers or your classmates. As far as the outside world knows is that this is a normal, but private college. Your friend can visit you and stay the night with you on the weekends though. Sorry. Do you understand this?" He asked? 

"Is the school ran by the government? Am I going to be tested or experimented on? I don't like needles. I refuse to be a science experiment." I grumbled.  

"No, the school is ran by a private beneficiary. The government has no idea we even exist which is why we must keep it a secret." He said seriously.  

Zeke smirkingly said to me "You ma'am owe me 4 answers to whatever I ask tomorrow. I'm going to sleep here on your sofa tonight. As much as I'd love to stay talking with you, we both need our rest." 

"Okay... You promise you won't leave tonight?" I said walking to the door of my bedroom.  

"I promise, good night Adena." He said stretching out on the couch.  

"Good night"

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