Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. Ding. Donnnnnnnnnnnggggggggggg.

I rolled over and looked at the clock on the wall. It was exactly seven in the morning. I must have slept soundly the covers weren't twisted or off the bed like they usually are. My new bed felt like cloud nine. I don't want to get out of bed, but I'm guessing that loud noise wasn't an invitation to stay in bed longer. Swinging my legs over the side I stretched my arms above me and yawned.

Knock, Knock.

Zeke peeked his head around the corner of the door.

"Good morning, those chimes were a wakeup call for all students. We have class in an hour and a half. I'm going to go back to my loft and shower. I'll meet you back at your door at eight fifteen okay?"

"Alright. I'll be ready."

He walked out and a few seconds later I heard the click as my front door shut. Curious, I pulled my closet door open to look at the clothes inside. Last night I was too exhausted to explore my dorm. Today was a different story. Regardless of the chaos from yesterday, today I felt so well rested. Flicking through the clothing I decided upon a burgundy cardigan. Pairing it with some nice jeans and black under shirt I was ready to go except for shoes.

Where are the shoes? Pulling back open the closet I discovered a nice row of shoes hiding under the hanging clothes. I grabbed a simple pair of brown boots from the selection and slid them on. I headed to the bathroom to see what I could do with my mess of curls.

Eek! I screeched looking in the mirror. I can’t believe I let Zeke see me like this. My face was all blotchy, and my curls were twisting every which way possible. Boy, I was definitely a looker. I brushed my hair back into a half ponytail and tried to wash my blotchiness away. It was so unusual for me to have such nice make up. I experimented with different shades of eye shadow until I settled on a natural look for the day. All of a sudden there was a knock at the door. I looked at the clock, it was eight fifteen. Time slipped by so quickly. I grabbed my little brown satchel and headed to the door.

I opened it and greeted Zeke.

“Hey, sorry. It seems like I’m always running late. I just can’t believe all that stuff is mine and this is where I’m going to be living for the next four years. I didn’t even have a chance to eat breakfast! Oh, and do I need a key or something to let me into my dorm?  Also can I use your cellphone? I want to check on my step mom and little brother.” I rattled off quickly. I knew I was talking a mile a minute, but I couldn’t stop myself.

Zeke chuckled a little, and said. “Whoa, slow down. Here I brought you these.”

He handed me a big blueberry muffin wrapped in saran wrap and a small box wrapped in brown paper. Not knowing where to stick my muffin so I could unwrap the present I just slid it into the outside pouch of my bag.

“Thanks! I’ll eat that in just  a second.” I said as I tore through the packaging of the box. It was a nice cellphone!

“Thank you Zeke! I don’t know how I’ll ever repay you.” I said throwing my arms around him in a hug. When I pulled back I noticed a slight blush on his cheeks. He’s so sweet. No one had ever given  me a present this nice before. It meant a lot especially since my phone was probably a burnt blob.

“It was really no problem. I actually had an extra phone and thought you could use one. I know it sucks without one. Um, Anyway what do you want to do first? This morning we need to go the police station so you can give your statement. My whole day is free so if you also wanted to go visit your step mom or see Megan and Danny we could. Sometime before the end of the day we need to get back here and get your class schedule and books. You start classes Monday.”

Biting my lip I tried to decide what to do first. I’m still a little unsure about this place and I wanted to know more, but I didn’t want to tell him that.

“I guess it’s best to tackle the police station first.” I murmured.

We walked over to a small parking lot I didn’t notice earlier. It had about 200 cars in it. I guess a lot more people live here than I thought. Over to the left of the parking lot a small group of people were walking toward the warehouse. I wondered if that was where classes were held. We stopped at a red jeep. Zeke unlocked the door and hit the unlock button for me to get in.

“Sorry if it’s a little messy. I don’t usually have girls riding with me, and my friends don’t mind the mess. They’re just as messy as me.”

“So you’re not a ladies man?” I asked jokingly.

“No.” He said simply. I noticed he was blushing again.

We pulled out of the driveway and headed down a long dirt road toward civilization. I didn’t realize how far the school was from the city. I decided to leave Zeke alone to his thoughts for a while. I reached in my bag and turned on the cellphone. It started up with a welcome beep. The phone was actually one of the nicer models, and easy to figure out. Luckily I memorized Megan’s number when we started eighth grade so I sent her a quick text.

<Me> Hey Megan, it’s Adena. This is my new number. How are you and Danny?

<Megan> OMG, Adena! How did you get a phone? Where are you? What happened with that guy last night? Are you okay? I’m fine. My head is a little sore. Danny is good. He slept all night and is eating breakfast right now. My dad made us pancakes. Are you coming over? I’ll save you some.

<Me> Um, to answer your questions in order… Zeke gave it to me. He had a spare one. I’m headed to the police station. Zeke is giving me a ride. Nothing happened with Zeke. I’m okay. I’m going to come over in a little while. Don’t worry about saving me pancakes. I have a muffin! Lol. I can’t tell you guys how thankful I am that you took care of Danny for me. Tell your parents I said thank you as well.

<Megan> Oh, girl it’s no problem. I’m still confused. Who is Zeke to you? You never mentioned a Zeke to me before, but it seemed like you knew him last night.

<Me> Zeke is a friend, that I actually didn’t know until last night. I went home with him, because I felt horrible about getting a concussion. It was my fault it happened to begin with. I know that sounds crazy, but I over reacted as usual. The whole thing is crazy and I promise to explain more once I get to your house. We’re pulling into the police parking lot so I’ll text you when I get out. Hopefully they won’t lock me up.

<Megan> Okayyy. I still don’t understand, but we can talk when you get here. Don’t worry they’re not going to throw you in the slammer. The fire wasn’t your fault. You didn’t start it crazy. It was one of those freak things. I’ve already gave the police my statement. Don’t worry! I love you. Ttyl babe.

<Me> Love you too. Ttyl. J

So Megan didn’t realize I started the fire. I wonder what she told the police then. I don’t even know what I’m going to tell the police. I forgot Zeke was even beside me until he grabbed my hand and stopped me on the last stair leading to the front door of the station.  

“Adena, you look like you’re about to hyperventilate. Calm down. It’s going to be alright. I’m right here beside you. Okay?” He said. I looked into his emerald eyes, and immediately started to feel calmer. His eyes were like beams of peacefulness. It doesn’t make any sense. I squeezed his hand tighter and opened the door to the station.

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