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The Child of Sparks

She anxiously awaited her mommy in carline, hopping back and forth on her feet like a rabbit on caffeine. Finally, she saw her mom's red old beaten Volkswagen bug pull in the parking lot. "Yayyyy!" Adena hollered. The teacher holding her hand gave her an amused look and helped her climb into the car and buckle up. The teacher handed her mom the art work Adena had done and wished them a nice afternoon.

"Hi mommy!"

"Hello, my little dumpling. How was your day?"

Adena launched into stories about her day with vigor. She told her mom how Tommy Funderberk stole her red crayon and, that the art teacher let her touch the class turtle. It was turning out to be a normal afternoon for Adena. Adena had supper, and chatted with her mommy about what new Barbie she wanted. She noticed, her Mommy looked really tired so when it became bedtime, Adena obediently climbed in bed. Her mommy gave her a kiss and hug. Adena felt wetness on her face and looked up at her mommy. Her mommy was crying!

"What's wrong mommy?"

"Nothing dumpling. Go to sleep."

The door shut. Adena lay back in her snug bed and watched the glitter dance in her lava lamp until her eyelids got heavy.


Adena awoke in a startled jump. Her bedroom was very hot. Mommy must have turned the heater on. Adena's nightgown was soaked with sweat. Another loud noise sounded throughout the apartment. The pretty pink paint on Adena's wall begin to turn black and drip. Suddenly she couldn't breathe...

Adena took big gulps of the smokey air. She started to feel light- headed and sleepy. Big orange flames burst through her wall and began to devour her toys.

"Mommy! Adena screamed."

The flames were now dancing around her room like a troupe of demon possessed ballerina. Suddenly something snapped inside Adena. She could breathe again. All the different dripping colors fascinated Adena. Adena watched a little line of fire climb the bed covers concealing her feet. Adena was in awe of the little fire. She was now oddly calm. It was as if the fire called to her very soul. Adena slowly moved her hand to the fire engulfed blanket. It was as if her hand and the fire were magnets. Somewhere in the back of her mind her conscious was screaming no. Adena ran her hand through the flame quickly and pulled it back. No scorches marred her porcelain hand. She became a little braver, making a bowl out of her hand, and scooping the fire up. She still sat on her bed watching the fire move in her hand. Her room and her gown were now completely ablaze.


A big man in a firefighter's suit crashed through her bedroom window. He ripped the remaining burning, tattered gown off her.

"Are you okay?" He asked. Adena shook her head yes.

He shoved an oxygen mask over her face and bundled her up in a fire blanket. In one fluid motion he slid out the window with Adena in tow. The firefighter handed her to a woman in a blue jumpsuit. The Paramedic laid Adena down on a make shift bed and began to examine her.

"Her gown and hands were on fire when I found her"

"She's not burned anywhere" the paramedic stated.

"What?!? She was on fire though."

The man who saved her gently turned her hands over in his big palms.

"My Mommy!" Adena hollered thought the oxygen mask.

The paramedic and firefighter exchanged a sad look.

"She's fine honey. She'll meet you at the hospital" the paramedic told her with a kind look on her face. The firefighter loaded the bed Adena was on into a big ambulance. The ambulance rocked gently as they drove down the road to the hospital. Slowly, Adena eased into a deep slumber....

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