Chapter 1

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~Beginning of Flashback~

Today was another big SAMCRO party, my mom and a few crow eaters were setting up for the party while me and the guys were heading into the chapel to discuss some shit about the Mayans. I really don't like them, something ALWAYS has to pop up with them. I've grown to calling them attention whores. Soon as we got in the chapel everyone sat in their rightful places, me and Jax were seated on either sides of Clay, don't ask why he liked keeping us close. Well anyway Clay hit the gavel down and the meeting started.

"Alright guys, we gotta talk about that Mayan problem." Clay started. I just groaned and looked up at the ceiling. "Something wrong with the topic Dani?" I looked over at Clay and everyone else then spoke up, "I'm just really annoyed with hearing about the attention whores, I mean c'mon guys. Its a party night, let's just go over club stats and relax. Then tomorrow we can discuss the Mayan bull shit." Jax looked over to Clay and nodded, "she's got a point Clay." All the guys nodded agreeing with Jax. Clay just looked over at me and smiled a little, "and this is why you are still my favorite daughter of anarchy." I just stifled a laugh and said, "I'm your only daughter of anarchy." Clay just smiled and returned back to the meeting and we all discussed the club stats.

A few minutes later we all finished and the meeting was ajurned, I stood up and said, "alright now let's go party!" I walked out of the chapel and walked behind the bar while all the guys either went to their old ladies or crow eaters. Me and Chibs started to do some shots. Tig later came over and joined us.

A few shots (more like 20 more) later and me, chibs, and tig were drunk off our asses. Chibs was knocked out on the bar me and tig were flirting drunk, which lead to kissing, then making out, then finally rough, hot, kinky, unprotected sex in his dorm.

The next morning I woke up to light shinning through the curtains. I groaned a bit waking up feeling Tigs arms wrapped around my waist. I threw his arm off my waist and got out of the bed quickly but quietly, I was not about to get caught in bed with Tig. Pfft, Jax or Clay would kill him. I quickly out my clothes back on and made my way out of his dorm with my cut in hand, and hopped down the hallway a bit getting my heel boots on, "shit... Why did I do that... Hmm... Huh... Oh shit" I ran outside before I can wake anyone up and threw up outside of the club house. "Oh shit..." I heard a voice then I heard foot steps running towards me and I looked up for a second and saw Half-sack. He held back my hair while I still kept throwing up. "Shit, its alright just let it out Dani. You must've drank a lot huh?" I finished throwing up and wiped my the corner of my mouth with back of my hand and looked up at him, "you.... Have no idea man... Ugh half-sack, I'm gonna let you drive my baby girl, take me home." Half-sack took the keys to my bike and helped me up walking me to her. I got on the back while half-sack got on in front of me, he put the keys in and turned the bike on while I held onto him. "Please don't puke on me Dani." I could hear the nervousness in his voice and I just chuckled, "just take me to my house prospect, please?" I just sat there leaning against him not feeling to good. He softly smiled and nodded, "alright, let's get you home." He backed up and took off to my house.

-----a few weeks later-----
I sat in my bathroom on the floor, confused, crying, and scared. I've never been so scared in my life, until I saw that one tiny pink '+'. Yup thats right. "I'm pregnant... And its Tig's baby... SHIT!" I got up and wiped my tears away. I couldn't go to the club house, I couldn't go to my mom, shit I couldn't even go to the hospital! Then one person popped into my head, Uncle Jury. I ran to my room and grabbed my phone off the night stand then dialed uncle Jury's number. "C'mon... Pick up please!" I heard the ringing stop, then I heard him speak into the phone. "Hello? D baby is something wrong?" I smiled a little relived he answered, then I replied, "no. Well yes, I need to stay with you, there in Nevada. I'm kind of umm... Well...." I heard him sigh then he said, "Danielle Shea Dani Teller. You spit it out right this second." I groaned hearing my middle Name in use, that's how I know I was kind of in trouble. "Uncle Jury, I'm pregnant. DONT. TELL. CLAY. or Jax or my mom." He was silent for a bit, then finally asked, "who's the dad?" I gulped a little and giggled nervously, "umm well... Its Tig."

There was a very, very, VERY long pause. And oh shit I was scared, after a few minutes of that long pause I heard him sigh then he said, "Alright Dani, get your ass over here. I'll have a dorm set up for you." I smiled a bit, "thanks uncle jury." We then said our goodbyes and hung up. I let out a shaky sigh and started packing. In about 30 minutes my drawers and closet were empty, the only thing hanging up in my closet on a special hanger was my cut. I put all my bags of clothes in the trunk of my impala, I never did bring her out of the garage, mostly cause I use my bike. I made my way back into the house and left mg keys the bike on my kitchen counter, I also left a short note with it too. I took one last look at my house and left shutting the door behind me.

I then got in the car, and started it up, then pulled out of the drive way and made my way to Nevada, not looking back.

~Ending of Flashback~

That was three years ago, and now I was a happy mother living in a dorm in Nevada at the Devil's tribe club house. I was working as the bartender for them since they needed one, and I'm pretty great with drinks, drinking and mixing. I watched as some of the Devil's true members taught my little boy how to play pool. I smiled seeing that, then uncle jury came over to the bar and sat down. "Sup uncle?" I started wiping down the bar counter top. He just looked at me and said, "your brother and Bobby are coming down. They should be here in a few minutes." I sighed then looked towards Aaron. "Well I guess he's gonna meet his nephew, and I have a shit ton of explaining to do for him." Uncle Jury nodded and took a sip of his beer.

I really was in deep shit... Ugh.. Great, what's next the whole MC gonna show up too!?


Alright this is the first chapter of my first Sons of Anarchy fanfic, I just really love soa and Tig haha cx but I'll have pictures of Dani and Aaron up a little after this.

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