Chapter 8

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Narrator POV

Just wow... Everything is happening fast right now. Juice just got his sister back, but now its time Dani and Tig took their relationship further. And we all know how tig gets sometimes, and let's just say the way Tig gets makes Dani look like she needs a mental hospital. Well let's get back.

Dani's POV

---a few weeks after we get Genesis back---

Its been like a couple or we'll just say few. Its been a few weeks since we got Genesis back and these few weeks have been fine. All our days are full of laughs, and she's great with computers too! So she's pretty much the clubs assistant when we need something on. Someone while we're out, we just call her.

Today Gen and I were just hanging out in the club House. We were just talking back and forth about god knows what. I looked over at my mom to check and see if Aaron was okay, and I saw that Aaron was fast asleep, I smiled and saw my mom get up and take him to Tigs dorm. I went back to talking to Gen, and the boys came in. I saw Happy come in first with Jax, and I saw Hap give Gen a small smile, then I saw gen smile back. I smirked knowing why, ever since that time he saw Gen working on her brothers bike, he really fell for her. Seriously he's trying to ask me to help him with her. I saw everyone come in except Tig, my smile kind of faded, "Dani! We got church." I nodded and dismissed myself from Gen, and put my phone in the box. I then passed by Clay into the chapel, he stopped me and said, "hey, don't worry about Tiggy he just had to go get something." I nodded and walked into the chapel as Clay shut the door behind us.

Hello everybody!!! Thank you for reading the 8th chapter is daughter of anarchy. I'm sorry this is so short but, I need to figure out the rest of this story, so that may take some time. But as of right now, please comment on when YOU think the wedding should be, chapter 10 or 11? I haven't decided so I'll let you guys decide. Well thanks again Cx

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