Chapter 6

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The outfit at the top is Dani's outfit that she Saves Genesis in

Dani's POV

I just looked at Juice with wide eyes. Gen was kidnapped... Shit, what were we gonna do, the guys don't know about Genesis. I'm the only one who knows... Well Tigs gonna have to find out cause he won't let me and juice go alone, same with Chibs... Dammit. "Well, juice you know there are two people that won't let us go alone... You know that right?"

I watched as his eyes closed and he let out a shakey sigh, he then said, "alright alright... I'll take you back to your house on my bike and have Chibs follow." I nodded and walked over to my mom to see if she could watch Aaron.

"Hey mom.." She stopped me before I could say anything. "Yes baby I'll watch Aaron for you. I need time with him, and you need time with Tig. Go on." I smiled and thanked her then I walked away following Juice and Chibs out to the bikes.

Chibs POV

I don' know what tha' hell is goin' on. But Juicey boy and Dani said they needed my help with somethin', so I guess we'll find out.

Juice POV

I got on my bike while Dani got on the back, then once Chibs was on his own bike we both started the bikes up and took off to Dani's house. I'm gonna get my sister back.

Dani's POV

---skip to getting to the house---

Once we got to the house I saw my car was still there, so that means Tig is still here. I hopped off the bike once it cane to a stop and heard both engines shut off. I walked up to the door of my house and walked right in I looked around the house then walked upstairs, "Tiggy!?" I called out upstairs, "In your room baby" I heard his voice call out to me, I walked to my room and saw him examining my lace VS underwear.

I walked over to him and snatched them right out of his hands and out them in the drawer. "You weirdo, don't examine my underwear." I said as my face started to heat up. I heard footsteps approach the door and saw Chibs and Juice walk in.

"Al'ight, juicy, lass. Wha's goin' on?" I looked at Juice, cuing him to tell them everything. He nodded and started to speak up, "alright guys umm... In queens I left everything behind me. The one thing I wanted to go back for, was my sister---" "woah woah" tig stopped juice. "You have a sister?! And you didn't tell the club?" He half yelled at Juice. Juice nodded and continued to explain, " I couldn't tell the club cause of how much people want our heads. Well now some how Mayans got to her. I'm blaming myself now cause of that one job me and Dani went on. We saw Genesis, my sister, and we both talked to her... I swear to god, if they did anything...." I stopped him and looked to Chibs and Tig, "we know you guys won't let us go at this alone.... So we came to you guys to help."

Chibs and Tig looked at each other for a moment then looked at us and nodded. "Al'ight lass we'll help you guys." I smiled and kissed Tig. "Okay. But we gotta do this tonight, a meet up..." I pulled back from tig and we nodded our heads in agreement.

---skipping to tonight, sneak in grab her sneak out---

Tigs POV

I still can't believe Juice has a sister. I just shook that thought out of my head and walked over to my old lady, she was talking to Juice trying to calm him down. I've never seen him this upset. Damn, I can honestly say that I'm pretty terrified of him right now. I kissed Dani's cheek then heard Chibs say, "the Mayans they're leaving." We all started sneaking towards the house they have her in, juice and his computer skills tracked the call here.

But anyway once we got to back part of the house, we heard banging on a window. But it was none of the windows we see.

Dani's POV

I looked around hearing banging then looked to the bottom windows on the house that lead to a basement, I saw Gen I ran over to the window and signaled her to step back. I then took my flannel off and wrapped it around my forearm and hand then punched the window in and got rid of all the other glass shards sticking out. I set my flannel aside and held my hands out for her to pull her up.

She grabbed onto my hands and I started lifting her up while she was using her feet to climb up. Once I pulled her out, we both were pabting. Juice ran over to her and hugged her close to him sobbing and repeatedly saying sorry rocking her back and forth. I stood up and walked over to Tig shaking my Flannel off. Chibs went over to the Ortiz*s and helped them up then hugged them too. "Well, time to tell the club." I said as I hugged Tig. He nodded in agreement. I was glad Gen was alright. Now we could all be a big SAMCRO family, with bigger dinners for the family, and bigger parties.

We all finished talking and hugging then get on our bikes before the Mayans showed up again. Me on my bike, tig on his, Juice and Gen on his, and Chibs on his own bike. We started up our engines and took off back to charming. Hmm I wonder what they'll say about Gen and Juice. I guess we'll know when we get there.

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