Chapter 3

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I thought about Dani, everyday, every week, every month, all Dani. That was it. I didn't understand why she up and left. I mean if its cause the sex was bad she could've told me, instead of fleeing off to another place, I mean yeesh was it that bad? I don't know all I know was me and Juice were on our way to the patch over party and I couldn't wait! So much pussy walkin' around I thought I'd be getting hard, but... I got nothing. My thoughts wandered back to Dani, now I felt myself getting hard. What the hell... I have a thing for the Daughter of anarchy?! Shit I'm in real deep shit.

---Back in Nevada---

Dani POV

I was wiping down the bar counter and saw Aaron and Jax playing together, and I looked off to the side and saw Bobby and one of the croweaters flirting. I just chuckled a bit and shook my head thinking, 'he's old, but chicks still dig him.' I finished wiping down the bar and hung the towel up. I then heard motorcycles pulling into the driveway and I quickly walked over to Aaron and picked him up then Jax stood in front of me as the SAMCRO guys came into the club House. Jax told me to follow him and everything will be okay, I followed him going towards Clay.

Clay POV

I looked around the club house holding Dani's cut in my hand, I'm not mad anymore that she up and left, now I'm just curious as to why. All she said in the note was

'Hey guys, I know you are all wondering why I left, but that's something that I'll have tell you another time. I'm sorry but I can't do this right now. When I'm ready, I'll come back.

I finally get to know what's wrong, why she left, or if any of us did something wrong. But something tells me this has to deal with Tig, cause when we got to her house and found the note and he saw it, he was quiet and he had a nervous glint in his eye. So I know he did something, I just wanna know what. I kept walking in and I hugged Jury, I saw Jax and heard heels clicking behind him. I pulled away from Jury and I took a look over Jax's shoulder.

I thought I felt tears brimming when I saw a head of long curly hair and another head of black curled hair. I got confused for a bit and gently moved Jax aside. It was Dani, and a... A little boy? He looked like her, but he had tigs blue eyes. Now I know, she was pregnant... And Tig was the father. I just sighed and hugged her then kissed her forehead, I looked to the little guy and kissed his forehead then took him from Dani's arms gently, "hey little buddy, who are you?" He looked at me and smiled, and it looked like he was trying to speak. "Aeon." I was a bit confused and looked over at Dani she smiled and replied, "his name is Aaron. Aaron Alex Teller." I smiled seeing she used Tigs first name as his middle name. I handed Aaron over to Half-sack so he can watch him while the clubs do the patch over meeting.

Dani POV

As we all filed into the devils tribe chapel, Jax slipped my cut on, I smiled. He leaned down and said, "go to have you back sis." I laughed a little and shut the doors behind all of us, "good to be back" I turned back to everyone and stood on the other side of Clay while Jax was on the other side. We all talked for. While some didn't like the idea, but some knew they had to do it for the sake of the club and safety.

---minutes later---

The meeting finished and the SAMCRO club waited outside of the chapel to let the Devils tribe discuss things, I of course was back at my post behind the bar along with two other croweaters. They were helping get the drinks ready, cause I knew people in devils tribe would understand this change, and some will leave. But still, they'll come around, especially when there are girls wanting to do

Dani POV

The meeting finished and the SAMCRO club waited outside of the chapel to let the Devils tribe discuss things, I of course was back at my post behind the bar along with two other croweaters. They were helping get the drinks ready, cause I knew people in devils tribe would understand this change, and some will leave. But still, they'll come around, especially when there are girls wanting to do body shots.

I heard the door to the chapel open and looked up I saw about four guys leaving, I look back to the doors and saw Uncle Jury walk out with a smile, "SAMCRO Nevada right here!" Everyone cheered and I got up on the bar counter with the help of Half-Sack and yelled out, "PATCH OVER PARTY!" Everyone cheered and people started doing shots, body shots, and just straight drinking, I made a few suicide shots for people that felt like getting fucked up, I just laughed when some of them couldn't handle it. Aaron walk over to me and was rubbing his eyes yawning. I picked him up and hand the bar towel over to Half-sack telling him to take over for me.

I walked to my dorm and by the time I got to the door I could feel Aaron asleep, I smiled then walked in and laid him in my bed and kissed his forehead. I made my way out of the room and shut the door behind me, I looked around and saw people having fun and making out I then walked over to the bar then I looked over at the doors seeing black curly hair and bright blue eyes, shit.... It was Tig...

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