Chapter 9

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Tig's POV

I was walking around the mall looking for a good ring store. Yeah I know, tig looking for a ring? Shocking haha, but I really love Dani and Aaron, so I want us to be a real family. Clay even agreed with me, that's why I'm off the hook with this meeting.

I just kept walking around till I came across zales, I've heard its a good store. So I'm gonna go take a look around. I made my way into the store and looked over all of the rings. I couldn't really find one that screamed Dani. I was a bout to give up until I saw one. (Picture above) it was perfect for her. I smiled and asked for the ring.

Dani's POV

The meeting ended, and we were having another SAMCRO party, why? I don't know, but something tells me its for Genesis. I just walked over to my mom to help but she stopped me, "woah woah, you're not showing up to the party looking like that. Cmon let's go." I rolled my eyes at my mom as she dragged me out of the clubhouse, "mom where are we going?"

"Your house, you have better clothes than your sweaty club work clothes." I just shook my head then heard footsteps running after us, "hey, can I come? I don't think I'm party ready either." I nodded at Gen, then my mom pulled both of us into her arms and said, "oh I have two daughters I can dress up now! Yay!" I rolled my eyes as we all climbed into my moms car, and headed over to my house.

---skip to Dani's house---

Once we got to my house, we all got out of the car and walked into the house. My mom headed straight upstairs to my room with Me and Gen following behind. I watched as my mom rummaged through my closet looking for two outfits.

I just sat on the floor with Gen while my mom kept looking for outfits. Ugh... This is gonna take a while...

---skip to after they get dressed---

Gemma's POV

"Damn I am good", I said as I circled around the two girls. They're outfits looked so great, I was mentally giving myself a pat on the back. (Outfits)


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I watched as the two girs were checking themselves out

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I watched as the two girs were checking themselves out. I smirked and said, "alright girls let's hit the party." I then started walking out of the house with Dani and Gen following behind. Oh Tig and Happy were in for it tonight.

---at the party---

Tig's POV

I walked into the party with the zales box in my hand, I was nervous and happy at the same time. Nervous why? Because what if she says no?! Or laughs at me then walks away?! Im just really scared right now!!! I walked over to the guys at the bar then sat in between happy and Chibs. "Oh brotha, you're goin' ta propose? Thas' great!" I heard Chibs say.

I nodded then turned to him and Happy, "I am, I love her so much. I only want her, but what if she says no or laughs at me? I'm kind of having second thoughts." Happy just shook his head and told me, "no no. Don't get all scared right now, do that after the wedding when you realize that if you cheat on her your body will never be found." I heard Chibs crack up laughing and agreeing with Happy.

I mean happy is actually right, I feel for the craziest person in SAMCRO. But I don't care, she's my crazy and I love it!

The guys and I started to hear wolf whistles and we see the crowd start splitting apart. I finally see its Gemma.... Annnnd Genesis.... And my future fiancée Dani. My Jaw dropped when I saw her outfit, holy shit thats all mine! She walked towards me and placed herself between my legs.

I instantly wrapped one arm around her waist bringing her closer and let my other hand squeeze her ass. She smirked putting her hands on my chest. God I'm gonna make sure she can't fucking walk straight.

Happy's POV

I looked at Genesis up and down, watching her as she slowly yet seductively walked towards me. I could feel myself getting hard at the sight of her.

Damn she looked so hot. Right when she settled herself between my legs both my hand flew to her ass squeezing them roughly, while her arms wrapped around my neck. Fuck I want her so much.

"What the fuck is going on?!" I heard juice yell. Genesis turned around and explained to juice that, she liked me a lot and wants to be with me. I gen stepped in and said, "brother, I will never just her. And if I do, then you can chop my dick off and make me watch as you burn it." I saw Juice just look at me like, 'umm... Alright then...'

I watched as he nodded then kissed his sisters forehead and walked away with a crow eater. I smiled as Gen turned back to me and we started kissing.

Dani's POV

Me and tig were just talking for a little bit, then I heard my baby boy Aaron run over to me. I then picked him up and held him on my hip, "hey baby, what's up?" He smiled and kissed my nose then kissed Tig's nose. "I yav oooooh, mommy and daddy" Tig and I both smiled and kissed Aaron on his cheeks.

Tig's POV

Its now or never tiggy, let's do this! I lightly move Dani out of the way just standing her in front of me. I then stood up and took aaron out of her arms and set him on the bar in front a still sober Chibs. Then I took her hands in mine and said, "Dani. I've known since you and you're brother were prospects. And I must say, you were a tough as hell prospect. No matter how much shit me and the boys put you and Jax through, you still found a way to get through it. As you grew up into the beautiful women you are now, I felt like you were the only girl I wanted. The only girl that can keep up with me and be patient with my attitude. So, I ask you Danielle Shea Teller. Will you marry me?" I said the last parts as I got down on one knee with the ring box open for her to see the ring.

Dani's POV

I stared wide eyed at the ring, feeling tears brim at my eyes. He proposed to me! Holy fucking shit!!! He proposed!!! I didn't know what to say but I still said something, "yes holy shit, yes tiggy!!!" I screamed as I hugged him and everyone started cheering. I was so happy on this very day. I have planning to do with Tara, Lyla, Gen, and my mom. I'm gonna Mrs. trager.


Alright here is chapter 9, next chapter will have some shit kicking and ass beating!!!

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