Chapter 5

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God damn Dani's hot! Especially when she's in her SAMCRO mode of course, even when she tortures people, she should've been my old lady way long before.

As we got our guns ready to shoot, I saw Dani and Jax heading towards the door. I got a little a worried and I gently took her by the arm, "Babygirl, let me open the door with Jax. Yeah? I just got you back and I don't need you getting hurt." She just just looked at me for a bit, but soon then nodded in agreement and walked over to the guys, and stood between Jury and Clay.

I made my way to the door with Jax and we both stood on either sides of the double doors. We looked at each other and contued to three, then gun shots started going, so we swung the doors open and we all started shooting left and right.

---after the gun fight---

Dani's POV

I was dragging uncle jury back into the club house while Cherry, Half-sack, and juice were getting rid of the guns so the paramedics could get here and start patching some people up.

I set uncle Jury up on the bar stool and I looked at his wound a little, damn it looked pretty bad. I called one of the croweaters over and told her to clean the wound as good as she can, she nodded and got to work. I walked away from them both and made my way over to Tig and Aaron. Cherry probably gave him to Tig while I was bringing in Jury. I sat down next to Tig and kissed him. Aaron just looked at us and giggled, "muma, dady" Tig pulled away and looked at Aaron. "Oh my god.... He called me daddy." I smiled at Tig and Aaron, my two favorite boys.

---skipping to the SAMCRO charming departure---

I hugged uncle Jury and said, "thanks uncle jury. For everything you did while we were here." He smiled and kissed the too of my head, then replied, "no problem baby girl, anything you need I'll be here." I smiled my years starting to form a little, but I quickly blinked them away, I never let another son see me cry, no matter how close they are. I said my goodbyes to the girls and the guys then got in my car, I looked back and saw Aaron was already buckled up and his car seat.

I saw Tig walking over to the car, he then got in the passenger side. I noticed that his and Juice's bike wasn't there. But juice was in a big (transit or transport?) Truck. I just shrugged and started the car, then pulled out of the drive way, the guys following after.

I was finally going back, I would be the daughter of anarchy once again. And back my old life, with an old man and my son.

---skip to everyone back in charming---

Gemma POV

I saw all the guys pull into TM, I also saw a familiar impala, pull up. My eyes went wide as I knew who it was. My baby girl came back! I quickly got out of my chair and ran outside to Dani. I watched as she got out of the car, and so did Tig.

I ran over to Dani and hugged crying a little, "oh my baby, you came back! Why did you leave in the first place?" She was trying not to cry of course the sons were around so, she sure as hell wasn't gonna cry. She didn't like them seeing that side of her.

She finally spoke up, "well, I left cause. Tiggy get him out of the car." I pulled back from the hug and looked over at the car, I then saw Tig nodding putting his hands up and reaching into the backseat, I heard Tig cooing. Who the hell is he cooing to?! I then saw Tig stand up straight, with a little boy. 3 years old to be exact. And I was shocked. My daughter had a child, and he looked like.... Tig!?, "wait a minute! Tigs the dad?" Everyone including the SAMCRO boys nodded saying small yeahs. And I was very surprised.

I just shook my head shrugging then walked over to Tig and took my grandson and his diaper bag, then walked away going into the club house.

Dani's POV

I smiled. Then Tig came up to me and kissed my cheek with his hand on my ass. I laughed a bit then he said, "Baby I'm gonna take your stuff to your house and unpack for you, alright? Go spend time with your mom." I nodded and made sure he knew where the spare keys were and I kissed his cheek and walked away going to the club house.


I smiled and made my way over to the car. I got into the driver seat and started up the car, then pulled out of the driveway and headed on over to my old lady's house.

Clays POV

I smiled seeing Gemma and Dani together smiling, talking, laughing. You know mother daughter bonding. I walked over to them both and sat by Gemma. It was really good to have Dani back.

Juice's POV

I saw Dani, Clay, and Gemma sitting and talking together, I was happy she was finally back. No one was sad or worried anymore. I walked away to our weaponry to make sure we still have everything or got anything new. And see how much of it we have. I felt my phone vibrate. I grabbed my phone out of my pocket and saw the caller ID 'unknown'... What the fuck... Unknown? I just shrugged and answered it. "Hello?" "Juan? Juan?!" I knew that voice.... I mean I haven't heard it in the longest, since queens in fact. But I couldn't believe it. "Gen?! Gen is that you!?" I sorta screamed into the phone, "Juan..." She stopped then I heard a gruff Mexican voice say, "hey! What the fuck are you doing!?" My eyes went wide with anger. "Juan, the Mayans!" I heard her yell then the line went dead. I dropped my phone then walked back into the main room of the club house and called Dani over.

She excused herself from Clay and Gemma then got up and walked over to me, "what's up juice?" I was so pissed I wanted yell, but I kept my cool and said, "remember that time we went on a job alone together? And you may that one girl? Genesis?" I watched her nod telling me to continue. "That girl is my sister. And she's been kidnapped by the Mayans..."


Here's another chapter for you guys, I will have a picture and description for Genesis up in a bit. Hope you enjoyed!!!

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