Chapter 10

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---Two days after the party---

Dani's POV

I am so happy right now. Tig asked me to marry him, I'm still a little shocked but I'm so happy. All I can think about is just a small vintage outside wedding. But something tells me, Tig is thinking bigger, why you ask.

"Baby I just can't wait to see you in the puffiest princessy wedding dress there is. I want you to wear a crown too! And walk down a beautiful white carpet." That's why. Tig wants me to do this big and beautiful, while I don't want him to spend so much money. But he was getting so excited he looked like a kid, getting all happy and giddy. But I had to say something.

"Um, baby... Tiggy, maybe we should just do a little vintage wedding. I can hand make some decorations Tara and Lyla are willing to help out with it, and..." I stopped seeing Tig pout a little. "No no, baby. Listen, hear me out. I want you to feel like a princess on that special day. Cause I mean these past few days you haven't been able to feel like that. So I want you to feel like a princess, no my queen." He smiled taking my small hands into his big rough hands and kissing my knuckles to the pads of my fingers.

I smiled squealing a little on the inside, he wanted me to feel and look like a queen, but I still want an outside wedding. As I kept thinking Aaron came running over to Tig and hopped into his lap "daddy mommy. Let's get married at the beach!" My smile grew wide, I loved that idea. A beach wedding!!! Tig saw my big smile and smiled with me, "alright little man, I'm gonna marry mama at the beach!"

I watched as Aaron and Tig threw their hands in the air cheering. I love these two boys with everything I have. I can't wait to be Mrs. Trager.

The moment faded when I got call from, oh look mom. I smiled then answered it, "Yes mom?"

"Baby, clay needs you, Tig, and Aaron at the clubhouse. We're on lockdown." I rolled my eyes and groaned on the inside. I always hated lockdowns... "Alright mom. We'll be there in a bit." We said goodbyes and hung up. I just sighed groaning loudly.

Tig's POV

"What's wrong baby?" I looked over at Dani hearing her groan. She looked back at me and said, "we gotta go to the clubhouse. We're on lockdown..."

Now.... Its my turn to roll my eyes. What the hell happened this time!? You know I'm getting real tired of these good calm lockdown problems. Whoever did it is gonna get it. Bad. And I mean fucked in the ass dry bad, like its gonna leave the asshole red. You know what umm im done... Heh.

"Well I'll start packing for Aaron, I still got clothes fit me back at the clubhouse." She nodded, then we got up and sent to different rooms starting to pack what we needed.

After we packed for Aaron, we all walked out of the house, then I buckled Aaron into his car seat then walked over to the driver seat, "I'll follow you two there on my bike, Kay baby?" I nodded and kissed Tig, then got in the car. He got on his bike, and I pulled out of the driveway then made my way to the clubhouse.

Gemma POV

"Alright, Dani and Tig are on their way. Is everything almost set?" I looked around as everyone was setting up for Dani and Tig's engagement party, yeah I know its early but, it's something worth celebrating.

I walked around, then I saw Lyla walk in followed by the other porn stars. Including the dirtiest one of all, ima. I stared her down and walled over to her, "hello ima. What brings you here?" I she'd as I crossed my arms over my chest. She just smirked and replied, "well hello Gemma, im just here to wish the happy couple good luck."

I smirked and slowly got in her face, "listen bitch, you wreck my daughters night. And she's gonna make sure she wrecks your porn career. And trust me, no plastic surgeon in the world can fix what she'll do to you." I gave her one last glare and walked away. I know my Dani, and Dani NEVER holds back.


I just smirked watching gemma walk away, Dani ain't gonna do shit to me. Cause her fiancee won't be tied down to only one pussy.

Dani POV

I pulled into the parking lot and shut the car off, then got out and helped Aaron out of his carseat. I carried Aaron and walked up to the for if the club House with tig following behind.

I opened the door to the club House, and walked inside seeing it was dark, "what the fuck..." Tig waited in behind me and switched on the lights, we then saw everyone and they yelled, "SURPRISE!!!" I looked around smiling, "what is this?" My mom waked over to me with Jax following, "baby this is yours and tigs engagement party." She said smiling. I hugged Jax and my mom. "Congratulations sis" I heard Jax say I smiled and thanked him.

My mom took Aaron from me and went to go play with him while Gen took my hand and lead me to my dorm to get changed, tig went off with Jax to the pool table to play some pool with the boys.


I watched Dani walk away with juices sister, I then looked over at tig and smirked. Now was the time, I walked over to tig seductively, he took one glance at me and rolled his eyes, aww I know he wants me. I walked up to him and ran my hands over his shoulders, "hey tiggy" I said in a very seductive voice, "look ima, you may not wanna do that." I heard juice say, and I glared at him telling him to shut up.

"C'mon baby, let's go to your dorm."


you're probably wondering why I'm not pushing this nasty bitch away. Well my baby doll is crazy, I'll let her handle this.

"What the fuck are you doing ima?" I smiled. There's my baby girl.


Sorry this is late, I had a bit of block in my mind lol, the picture up at the to is Dani's party outfit. I hope you enjoyed.

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