Chapter 12

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---The day after the party ---

Dani POV

I was awake along with Tig and Aaron. Today the club was going on a run. So Aaron was gonna go with Tara, Abel, and my mom. While me and Tig left.

"Baby, you riding bitch with half sack?" I hear Tig yell out to me while he was packing up our guns. I sighed cause he cussed out load while Aaron was still with us. "Yeah baby, and can you please remember we still have Aaron with us." I heard a bit of silence, then it was followed by a soft shit. I just shook my head and finished packing Aaron's bag.

I turned to Aaron and he asked, "mommy, what's bitch?" My eyes went a bit wide... Dammit Tig!!! I rolled my eyes then smiled, "Nothing baby, daddy is just being... Special. Yeah." I picked Aaron up along with his bag and walked downstairs, "hey Aaron, why don't you share that little word with your daddy." Tig looked at me a little confused then Aaron said, "Bitch daddy!" Tig's eyes went wide, and I glared daggers at Tig. "Nice going Alex..." I watched Tig wince when I hissed his name.

I just rolled my eyes and walked out to the car. I opened the backseat door to the car and set Aaron in he seat, I then heard my phone ring and I answered it, "hello?" I heard yelling in the background then finally I heard Gen, "umm hey Dani. Do you think, you guys could umm hurry up? Jax and Clay are bumping heads right now." I groaned and told we're on our way, then hung up. I swear they just can't stop being stupid fucks!!! I looked over at Tig and said, "babe I'll meet you at the clubhouse I gotta break up Clay and Jax." I buckled Aaron in. And shut the door, then got in the driver seat and drove off.


"God those two are gonna get it from her. If they don't get it from the Queen, then they're definitely gonna get it from the princess." I shook my head getting on my bike and following behind Dani. I feel bad for those two right now. Why? Well there's two strong fighters I know. One is in jail, and the other is my fiance. And if anyone knows her, she ain't afraid to kick a mans ass.

Dani POV

I pulled into the TM lot and saw Clay and Jax getting into it, I shut the car off and yelled at a crow eater to get my son out of the car, I made my way over to the two idiots. Now, I'm in heels so how I'm doing this without tripping is beyond me.

I walk up to them both and pull them a part by their ears, "What the fuck!?" I heard Jax yell. "Ow!!! Fuck Dani let me go!!!" I heard Clay yell. I walked them over to their bike and threw them over there. "Bike. Now. Or so help me, I'll shove this boot in your ass." I walk away hearing them say okay. I'm seriously gonna beat their asses if this happens on the run.


I pulled into the TM lot next to Chibs, Happy, Juice, Opie, and Bobby. "What happen?" I saw the guys look at each other. Then laugh a little. "Man, your fiance is quite a problem solver." I heard Bobby say, I looked at him confused then saw Jax and clay ride last following the Van. I saw their ear was red. Ouch....

"Uh, c'mon guys. Before Dani gets us next" they all nodded and we followed after them.

Dani POV

"Sack, wake me when something interesting happens." I put my shades on and closed my eyes hearing Half-sack say okay. Lord let this run be smooth or my boot is kicking in some California Smiley's.


CHAPTER 12!!! The outfits is what Dani is wearing on the run!!!

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