Chapter 13

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A gun meet

Dani POV

I felt someone tap my shoulder repeatedly. I woke up with my sunglasses crooked, I then looked to the person who woke me up. It was Half-sack and judging by the way he was standing outside we were already where we needed to be. I looked at Half-sack confused and he said, "They're getting guns, and Clay wants you with them in there." I nodded and hopped out of the van. I don't know what he wants me there for, they just test the guns.

As I walked up towards the barn I saw the Irish "shite bags" as chibby would call them, haha anyway ahem!.... I walked over to them and we all hugged and shook hands then one asked, "so, I hear they found your arse in Nevada?" I laughed a little and nodded. "Yup, they did. So... What kind of guns are we getting this time?" I looked between the Irish man and Clay, they stared at each other and nodded to the barn. I shrugged and followed everyone to the barn. As I made my way to the barn I felt a light smack on my ass and turned around to see tig smirking, I rolled my eyes smiling a bit and stood next to Clay and Jax as they started discussing gun.

I watched them silently as they were talking about this power gun standing in the middle of this barn, "open the doors." I heard the Irish man say, I watched as they opened the doors and the guy walk over to the gun then position it towards the bikes. My eyes widened a bit watching them.

The next thing that happened I couldn't believe it even happened. That Irish fuck had enough balls to shoot their bikes! I mean. yeah he's IRA but still!!!

Once the guys started shouting I ran over to tig and made him look at me and only me. "Tiggy, baby. Look at me keep your eyes on me." I placed my hands on both sides of his face keeping his attention on me, I then felt his hands fly to my waist and his grip loosened up a bit. "I will help you fix up your bike, just stay calm. Chibs you too!" I said looking towards Chibs. I already knew how Chibs felt about the Irish, but of course Galen had to put the fucking cherry bomb on top of Chibs' hatred for them. Damn prick.... 

"That's it, Tig c'mon. Chibs you too." I took both Tig and Chibs out of the barn house, steering clear of Galen. Once I got out I locked both men in the black van. No way were they getting out until the deal was over.  I walked back over to the boys. Of course Bobby, Juice, Jax, and Happy are pissed but they somehow keep it under wraps. Unlike the other two. I walk over to Jax ad give him a look that says 'are we done here?' He just looked at me and we both sighed crossing our arms over our chest. 

"Well Galen thank you for showing us what we're buying and selling. Bobby get the money." Both me and Jax breathed out a 'Finally'.


Hi. Hehe I know this is a bit short but I didn't really know what to write for the rest of this chapter. And yes it's very VERY shitty but I swear the next ones will be better. Also sorry it was a very very  VERY long wait but I had started a new job a few weeks ago, I also started up my makeup IG account if you want to go and check out my shitty makeup lol, and I'm also in the process of building up my YT channel so I'll be very busy. But I'll still be writing too Cx Thank you and stay tuned for the next chapters.

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