Chapter 4

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Dani POV

I looked down at the bar table and went back to serving drinks to the crew. I saw Chibs walking over to me and I could tell he wasn't drunk. Yet. But when he came over to me he quickly went around the bar and gave me the biggest hug that lifted me off the ground. I laughed hugging him back, "oh lass, I've missed you so much. What the hell is wrong with you, just leaving like tha'!?" I just hugged him back and said, "haha in sorry chibs, but I had a very, very valuable reason of leaving." Chibs sent me down and I explained everything to him.

Once I finished explaining I lead chibs to my room where Aaron was still sleeping. Chibs smiled and walked over to the little boy and he looked so happy about it, "and you said tiggy boy made him? lass it looks as if he's more you than tig." I laughed a bit and replied, "yeah but when his eyes are open you see tig. C'mon." He nodded and kissed Aaron's forehead softly then walked out of the room shutting the door quietly and following me back to the party. "Does tiggy boy know yet?" I just shook my head looking down. Chibs hugged me and said, "aye lass, don' worry, you'll tell 'im when tha righ' time comes." I nodded and saw that Half-sack was doing my job for me, then I saw him point to Tig.


I looked around, looking for Dani, that's the only person that mattered right now. No one else mattered to me, not even the croweaters. WHAT THE HELL WAS I SAYING!? Ugh damn his girl is changing me! Not to long later I looked over at Half-sack and saw that he was pointing at me. I got confused for small amount of time then saw who he was looking at. He was looking at Dani, I quickly walked over to her, and she met me halfway. I wanted to hug her, kiss her, f... You get the idea. Anyway, she took my hand and lead me outside. "Whats going on?"

Dani POV

"Whats going on?" I heard Tig ask me. I just kept leading him out the door and shut it behind us once we were outside. He turned to me and before he could ask any questions I spoke up, "okay I know you have a shit ton of questions to ask me, but I can answer them just fine. Umm, the sex was great, I didn't leave because of you, I left cause I was afraid. I can't tell you why I have to show you why, tomorrow. And I'm sorry I just up and left, but I had to." I looked at Tig waiting for an answer.

He just looked at me then pulled me in for a hug. "Sweetie, I'm sure whatever the reason is it'll be a good one. Now c'mon, you look tired and its getting late. Really late." I nodded and he followed me into the club house, and I guided him to my room and then kissed his cheek, "I'll see you tomorrow. Yeah?" He nodded and kissed my forehead, then walked off. I watched him walk away then entered my dorm shutting the door behind me.

I unzipped my boots and placed them off to the side somewhere, then I laid down next to Aaron and cuddled him into my chest and I felt his head nuzzle me getting comfortable. I smiled and fell asleep.

---the next morning---

I woke up to four blue eyes. Wait... Four?! I sat up straight and saw Tig holding Aaron, shit... I got up from the bed and walked over to them both, I was about change his diaper until tig said, "don't worry, I already changed him." I looked up at Tig and gave him a quick thank you. He then sat Aaron down and wrapped his arms around my waist, "Dani? Is this what you were from us? This precious little boy?" I tilted NY head from side to side to say not really. I then spoke up, " I was hiding him from you mostly. I'm sorry tig I know you wouldn't hurt a child but..... Tig, this is your son Aaron Alex Teller. I ran cause I knew you probably don't even want a kid... And I couldn't tell anyone cause then they would've killed you but---" my ranting was forced to a stop due to Tig kissing me. I kissed back quickly pulling him closer by his cut. In about like 3 seconds we both pulled away for air and I kind of laughed a little so did he.


I couldn't believe my ears, IM A DAD!!! Hell yeah! Woah... I'm a dad... Hell yeah. And this is another son! I was so happy I picked Aaron up and kissed him all over his face, Aaron giggled and I just smiled looking at him, "hey little man, I'm your daddy" I could feel Dani watching me and Aaron, I look over and saw her smiling. I then felt a sharp tug on my chin and see that Aaron was pulling my goatee. I heard laughing, I then looked over and saw Dani laughing. I set Aaron down and looked at Dani, "oh? That's funny?" She nodded still laughing and I picked her up her legs wrapping around my waist then we kissed again.

We pulled back for air, and I looked at her softly but in a serious way, "Get my crow." I softly said to her. She blinked for a bit and slowly started smiling. I smiled too, "is that a yes? Or?" She kissed me again, then pulled back, "yes I'll get your crow." I was so happy, and I set her down happy that Dani is gonna be my old lady. I set Dani down and picked Aaron up, I walked over to the pool table where Jax and Bobby stood, they both looked at me, and I said, "she's gonna be my old lady" Clay heard and walked over along with Chibs, juice, and hap all my brothers hugged me and I felt great.

Dani POV

I got dressed (outfit at the top) after I got dressed I packed my stuff into my bags and took them out to my car, I walked back into the club house and I saw Clay come out of a dorm in a panic but still kept his cool, I got confused and heard the roar of motorcycles and looked out the window. "Shit..." I heard bobby ask what's wrong I then yelled to everyone, "Mayans are coming in hot! All the girls and need to get the hell out of here, cherry! Take my son out of here now!" Cherry nodded and took my son from Tig then ran out the back with all the other girls.

Me and the all the guys got locked and loaded. I ran to the door and let Jax in, then we quickly shut it. "Let's go boys, we got a play date to tend to."

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