Welcome to My Life

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A/N: A Destiel fic written by the world's worst writer, me! I'm so into Punk!Cas and Nerd!Dean, its a total turn on ;)

(I tell you in advance, there'll be no comas or deaths, but that doesn't mean there's no angst;)




Castiel heard someone sing songed into his ear. He ignored it and shut his eyes tighter, not wanting to sit up. Or get up. Or wake up.

"CaAAassiee." It sang again, louder, but Castiel held the pillow closer to his ear, ready to give someone a pillow beating.

"PLAY TIME'S OVER, BITCH!!" Castiel's older brother, Michael, jumped onto him and shook him awake. Cas kicked him off, and he hit him with the pillow immediately, Michael laughing uproariously.

"What the actual hell?!" Cas growled angrily, throwing his pillow at him. "You are nineteen years old and bouncing on your brother! That's not gonna get you any action!"

"We were waiting for you in the car for the thirty minutes." Michael shoved Cas off him playfully, "You're suppose to drive me and Gabe!"

"Why can't Dad do it?" Cas complained, getting ready as they talked.

"He took off with the jeep and went to work." Michael answered.

"Why can't you drive, then?" Castiel checked the mirror, and saw his amazing ass raven sex hair. His dyed pink tipped blue streak popping. He ran a tongue over his lip ring, smirking to himself and turned back towards his older brother.

"Ummm..." Michael rubbed the back of his neck, sitting on Cas' bed, "Remember a few weeks ago, Gabe and I were having a little ride around town, and Officer West caught up to us?"

Castiel nodded, remembering the memory. It was the first time Michael got in trouble, and it was Gabe's, well, they lost count after the blueberry bomb incident in the police department.

"Well, I might've had a couple shots, and Gabe had hot sauce with him...so..." Michael chuckled sheepishly.

"My license got suspended for 'drunk driving' and 'putting hot sauce down a police officer's pants,'" He airquotes those two things, "because apparently hot sauce in boxers counted as 'police assaultion.'"

Before Castiel could respond saying how stupid they were, something started beeping.

Louder and louder, until the two older Novaks realized those were the smoke detectors.

"Augh, Gabe, what did you do!?" Michael ran out of the room and downstairs, with Castiel trailing behind him, where he found Gabe in the kitchen. Puffs of smoke was in the air, and a small fire was on the stove.

"I warned you!" Castiel chuckled, grabbing his black sneakers and slipping them on.

"Cassie!" Michael grabbed a rag. He started smacking onto the little fire, only to have it become bigger, burning the rag on fire too. "JEEPERS!!"

Castiel continued to laugh as his brothers rushed frantically, trying to put the fire out.

"CASSIE!" Michael shouted again, flapping another rag in the air to make the smoke disappear.

"Oh! Right, the fire, the burning, of course!" Castiel ran to the nearest fire extinguisher (god bless their souls), and let all the gas out, causing the fire to diminish each time he pulled the trigger.

He puts it back on the rack, and smiled lightly slowly turning into a frown, "Gabe...What did you do this time?"

Gabe shrugged, giving his best innocent expression. "I was making a gummy bear fusion with chocolate rabbits."

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