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A little spark in Castiel that lit up after being so dim.

But he didn't let Charlie know it.

"So he really is gay," Castiel smirked, "Maybe..."

"Oh no, Castiel," Charlie scolded, as she walked him to sixth period, "Don't you dare make Dean another one of your flings! He's like...a precious cinnamon roll that deserves more."

"I'm not gonna get close with him, all right?" Castiel said in a matter of factly, "I don't want to lose anyone else."

"You say that everytime," Charlie pouted, "I'm just trying to help you--"

"I DON'T NEED YOUR HELP," Castiel raised his voice, causing some people to look at him and Charlie shocked, "I-I'm sorry, I-I didn't mean--"

Charlie squeezed Castiel into a hug, rubbing circles on his back, comforting him. "I don't care, I'm gonna do what I have to to see that old smile back, Cassie. Whatever it takes."

Castiel laughed snuggly. Charlie pulled away and they walked into their last class of the day.


Can you guess who the teacher is?

He has thinning hair with a scruffy beard, he's paralyzed from the waist down, so obviously he uses a wheelchair. He has Roman weapons hung on his wall.

During class, he likes to listen to Latin music.

"Hello, mortals," Mr. Brunner greeted the whole class, "Today we will begin reading a new book..."

He held up a book with the cover of two men sitting on a field of grass, "Of Mice and Men. I assume you remember it back in freshman year, however, I would like you to revisit and see how much you lot remember."

Mr. Brunner rolled his wheel chair and gave stacks of books to each person to pass around.

Cas took the stack Charlie gave him. He turned around to see that particular someone with very green eyes.

God, he's everywhere.

He looked away as quickly as he could, hiding his blush.

Charlie noticed this. "Talk to him," she whispered.

"I will," Castiel replied, "Just now's not a good time."


"Because we...are gonna read this awesome book," Cas half lied, finding an excuse to not talk to anyone right now.

He opened its pages to the first chapter, and started reading.

He remembered this book, frankly, it was one of his favorites. English was one of the only classes he manages to not fail in.

Castiel snuck glances at Dean, watching him read the book with his green eyes focused and his lips parted, slightly mouthing the words that come off the pages.

"Mr. Novak, please continue your reading," Mr. Brunner asked, smirking at Castiel's actions.

Castiel obeyed and kept reading.


"Hey," someone whispered in front of him, "Unicorn."

Castiel looked up and saw Alastair leaning on his chair.

"The hell do you want, Al?" Castiel smirked at that because Alastair hates that nickname.

"You punks think you're so badass, huh Novak?" Alastair said with a disgusting look in his eyes, "How's Andy by the way?"

Castiel stopped, Charlie heard and turned to Alastair, angry.

"Shut up," Castiel threatened through gritted teeth, clenching his fists.

"I wonder," Alastair continued, "Whatever happened to Andy? I haven't seen him...in a long while."

He gave that sidways smirk that Castiel always hated.

"Cassie..." Charlie warned, "Not now. Punch this dickhead later."

Charlie tugged on his arm, making sure no punches were thrown at.

She was right, Castiel was gonna punch this dickhead later.

"Yeah, Cassie," Alastair continued, "Punch me. Do it, I dare you. I'll let you even kill me."

"Kill you?" Castiel laughed through a lump in his throat, low voice and slowly, "No... no, don't be obvious. I'm gonna kill you anyway, someday. Don't want to rush it though. I'm saving it up for something special. No no..."

Castiel faced Alastair with a dead look in his eye, "If you don't stop prying..."

He chuckled coldly and squinted, "I will burn...the heart...out of you."

Alastair turned away. Castiel took a deep breath, Charlie patting his shoulder then returning to her book.

He ran a hand through his hair, shaking the feeling off him.

"You okay?" Charlie asked again, concerned.

"Don't worry," Castiel assured her, "I'm not gonna blow up like Vesuvius."


The bell rang for everyone to go home.

Castiel was the last one out, and met Gabriel as they walked to his car.

"Hey Cassie!" Gabe smiled, more than usual.

"Why are you so happy?" Castiel grinned teasingly.

"I met someone," Gabe answered, "And he's a moose."

"A moose?" Castiel asked, opening the car door.

"Yeah, he's like fifty feet tall." Gabe daydreamed, "He's cute, has like, those big chocolate hazel puppy dog eyes, and has this sweet, sexy--"

"Gabe," Castiel stopped, "I don't need to know about your sex life, because let's face it, that's just a foul."

"So is your social life," Gabe smirked as he got into the passenger's seat.

Castiel started the engine, radio was blaring Elephant by Tame Impala.

He drove through the lot, singing along in his head. "Same old, same o--"


He felt something crunch beneath the tires. It didn't hurt the tires, but he's pretty sure he broke something.

"What was that?" Gabe asked, his hand twiddling with the lollipop in his mouth.

"I dunno," Castiel stopped, music still blaring as he got out.

He looked under the car and saw a pair of glasses.

Broken glasses that is.

He picked it up, and the first thing he saw when he did was a pair of those magnificient candy apple green eyes.

A/N: Im splitting the chapters bc i realize they are hella long so ❣


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