Chapter Twelve

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~On Manager-Unnie's Car~

"Unnie, how many more minutes? And will they notice me? Will they know that I'm Galaxi?" I asked Manager-unnie for the hundredth time. She sighed and turned around to look at me.
"Ms. Park, it will take us fifteen more minutes. They won't notice you because you're in disguise, and we haven't told anyone your real name yet. They won't know you're Galaxi. There, satisfied?" Manager-unnie said. I think I really pissed her off.
"Sorry, manager-unnie." I said. I closed my eyes and plugged on my earphones. I scrolled my phone to find information on EXO. I haven't really paid attention to debuts because I've been too busy. But it turned out, EXO debuted before me! I haven't listened to any of their songs yet, so I decided to try.
Their latest song was "Monster". Well, it sounds creepy, and I'm going to try it. I pressed on the play button. Wow, Baekhyun's voice is really fine. He started off the song. Wow, this song is my jam. I really liked this song. My phone buzzed as I got to Chen's part. There were three messages for me.

--Text Messages (3)--

Text Message From Jin

JinMom❤❤: Hey, okay with the shooting?
Me: Yeah! And guess what?
JinMom❤❤: What?
Me: I met EXO sunbae-nim!
JinMom❤❤: Wow~^^
Me: And their new comeback song rocks.
JinMom❤❤: Monster right? Yeah that song is catchy~^^
Me: Yeah^^
JinMom❤❤: Oops Jimin is needing me, bye~

Me: Bye Mom

Text Message From SoRa

SoRa-Unnie❤❤: At his house yet?
Me: No. I can't believe you guys made me do this!
SoRa-Unnie❤❤: Chill. This is just to thank the parents.
Me: Ughh fine unnie.
SoRa-Unnie❤❤: Have fun^^ I bought some rice cake~ Be sure to come home by five
Me: Yes unnie.

Text Message From Bang Si-Hyuk

PD-nim: Chaeri, you'll have extra practice today because in three days the Hit It Concert will begin.
PD-nim: Today you'll train with Galaxy Star until four in the morning.
Me: Yes, PD-nim.
PD-nim: It's now three so please come to the building by five. Today you'll have six mentors with your group.
Me: I'll make sure to, PD-nim. Thank you.
PD-nim: Okay. Be quick and on time.
Me: Okay, thank you.

--Text Messages (3)--

I switched the song on my Genie app. I listened to GOT7's "A". To be honest, this song is actually pretty good. I sighed and slept a little, knowing that this will be a long day.

~At Jeon Jungkook's House~

"Off you go." Manager-unnie shooed me off. The same mansion. I rang the doorbell and gulped nervously. Will the notice me? Will they know me as Galaxi?
"Coming!" I heard Mrs. Jeon's voice. I gulped again. She opened the door and saw me.
"Chaeri? Is that you? Come in, come in!" She said. Same old Mrs. Jeon, very friendly. I really hope that Jungkook isn't home. I walked inside the house.

"Wait, I'll call Jungkook." Mrs. Jeon said. Wait, Jungkook is home? Oh God, no. Why is he home?
"Mrs. Jeon, I need to leave in thirty minutes. Because I need to visit dentist's!" I said.
"Okay. Let's chat first." Mrs. Jeon said. Jungkook came down looking as grumpy as ever. Of course he would.
"Chaeri's here for a visit." Mrs. Jeon told him. He groaned and rolled his eyes at me.
"Ugly nerd, why are you here?" He asked me. I sighed.
"To visit your parents. Not you." I replied. He smirked at me.
"Are you still training at BigHit?" Mrs. Jeon asked me.
"No, she isn't. I don't see her anymore. PD-nim was right to kick her out." Jungkook answered for me. What the. He's so arrogant.
", still training, but with a different group." I said. I can't tell them that I debuted with Galaxy Star!
"Which group are you training with?" Mrs. Jeon asked me again. I'll just answer truthfully. But I won't tell them I'm training with Galaxy Star, they'll get suspicious.
"GOT...GOT7." I replied back. They both looked at me shocked. I smirked at Jungkook.
"Did you hear about Galaxy Star?" Mrs. Jeon asked me for the third time.
"Yeah. They're really good, I guess." I replied back with a fake smile.
"Yah nerd. You kind of look like Galaxi from Galaxy Star. Not complimenting or anything." Jungkook said. I could see him blush a little. It was already 3:30! I need to go back!
"Umm, thanks. I need to go, bye Mrs. Jeon!" I said, ready to leave.
"No good-bye for me?" Jungkook's voice asked me. I turned around and smirked at him.
"No, jerk. Bye." I ran over to Galaxy Star's transit van, because all of our members are going to be picked up.

~On The Car~

"That was so painful." I said.
"We're so sorry for you." Said the unnies sarcastically, except SoRa-unnie. I think she's going to get picked up at the mall. The bad thing about being the maknae is that your unnies tease you and gang up on you.
"Hey, do you guys know EXO?" I asked the unnies. They gave me a duh look. Yeah, who doesn't know them?
"They were my middle school friends! Can you believe it? And I did the photoshoot with them!" I yelled excitedly.

"Oh my gosh, they were your middle school friends? Who are you most close to?" MinHee-unnie asked me.
"Baek-Baekhyun sunbae." I said.
"Really? Wow. You're incredible, maknae." JaeMi-unnie told me. They clapped for me. Seriously, what is there to clap about? I got a text message.

Text Message From Anonymous

Anonymous: Chaeri, I like you.
Me: Who are you? Sasaeng?
Anonymous: What sasaeng? You didn't even debut yet!
Me: Who are you then?
Anonymous: Your secret admirer that has bullied you before.

Creepy. I shut my phone and just slept until we got to the company.

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