Jeon Jungkook's POV
It is 3 AM in the morning, and I can't sleep. Ottoke, I've just hurt her feelings once more. I swear, I don't even know who I love anymore. I have mixed feelings about everyone, mostly because I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. I only bullied Chaeri because of Bora. I felt like I owed her after so many years, so although I didn't truly love her, I decided to pretend I love her to distract myself from Chaeri. However, I just don't have enough courage to confess to her, and I don't have the confidence to say that she will accept my confession. I might seem like a tough boy, but I certainly don't have that much "toughness" to confess to a girl that I truly love.
Park Chaeri's POV
Rrring, rrring, rring. My phone rang again. Who calls this early? Pissed, I quickly ran my hands through my pocket and took out my phone, checking the contact. It was PD-nim. I quickly hit the pick up button on my phone, then waited for his voice to come on. I took a deep breath, preparing to talk to him.
Chaeri: Yeoboseyo? PD-nim!
PD-nim: Annyeonghaseyo, Chaeri-ah. You do know that the Hit-It Concert is in a day, right? We need you to come straight to the concert hall today, at 12 PM sharp. Do not be late.
Chaeri: Certainly, PD-nim!
PD-nim: Right. By the way, are your friends coming too? I thought you gave them some VIP tickets.
Chaeri: They certainly are coming. Well... all but one? I'm not sure.PD-nim: Sounds fair. Remember, 12 PM at the concert hall today. The concert will begin at 10 PM today. Remind your friends if you need to.
Chaeri: Nae, kamsahamnida!
PD-nim: By the way, your unnies will be picking you up at 10:45 AM today. Wait outside the school gates at 10:45, no excuses.
Chaeri: Nae.
PD-nim: Well, that's it for now. Annyeong!
Chaeri: Kamsahamnida, annyeong!With that, I went back to my room and slept, until it was time to go to school. Because I had to have some makeup done in order to make the process easier when I get to the concert hall, I woke up at 5:30 AM to get some makeup and hair done. After that, I quickly rushed off to school.
I walked into the classroom. I had first period English today. As I waltz into the classroom, I noticed people staring at me, mostly boys. Areum came up to me and took my hand.
"You're so pretty today, Chaeri! What makeup did you use? Why is your hair like that?" She questioned.
"Ah, um, I was trying on some makeup. And uh... I got my hair done yesterday at the salon!" I said, trying not to sound suspicious or nervous.
She squinted her eyes at me, but doesn't seem to suspect me.
"Look at all the boys staring at you!" She said, eyeing all the boys that were supposedly staring at my face, in awe. I blushed and turned away, swatting my hands in the air.
"What are you talking about? No one is staring at m-" I was cut off mid sentence. A strong figure walk in, clearly towering over the both of us. I turned around, and noticed that it was Jeon Jungkook. He had a smirk plastered on his face, and glared at me.
"Who are you playing at? Where are you going, a fashion show?" He said, and some girls laughed hysterically, mostly to please him.
"Stop it, Jeon Jungkook." I said. With that, I brushed past him and went to sit in my seat. I then took out my phone and started watching some of my performances. Some of them were pretty good, actually, but I still had room to improve.
"Wanna be like her, huh?" A large shadow casted over my head. I looked up, and saw the man himself, Jeon Jungkook.
"What, no. I just admire her. She's my model. What do you want from me?" I said, keeping a pokerface plastered on my face.
"No wonder why you dressed up and got your hair done. Your hair is just like her's! What a wannabe!" He said, rolling his eyes. His smirk is still plastered on his face. It was my turn to roll my eyes. Bruh, doesn't he know who I am? Clearly he still doesn't.
"I told you, she's my model. My hair stylist said this hairstyle would suit me, so I tried it on. It has nothing to do with her, or you!" I said coldly, looking him in the eyes. His smirk is still there.
"Wannabe, wannabe!" He said, "No wonder! Girl, you aren't half as pretty as her! Get lost, will you?"
"Why do you always pick on me? What have I done to you? I just want you to leave me alone!" I said, with tears almost rolling down my eyes. I clenched my fists, trying hard not to ruin my makeup.
"Why do I? Because you've ruined my life. Someday you'll know why, but I mustn't tell you now." He said, without looking at me. I could see him blushing a little, and that smirk of his was gone.

An Idol's Secret//BTS Jungkook
Fanfiction"Shh... just close your eyes. Promise me, I think I love you." "The couples that are meant to be, are the ones who go through everything that is meant to tear them apart, and come out even stronger." {BTS Jungkook Fanfiction} Will Jungkook ever fal...